
Best use of that Gif in the history of ever.


1200$? That is awesome!

On the subject of odd Civic mods, behold:


With proper winter tires.

YES! more of this! So much more of this! No ''years'' of leaks and teasers and trailers and movie tie ins. BAM out of fucking nowhere after months, fucking MONTHS of rumors.

Bravo Ford, bravo.

Came to see Heated seats. Glad to see them so high on the list already. Just got a 2015 Fiesta that came with the ''comfort'' pack that came with heated seats. Fucking. Love them.


Izat... izat a mustang with a peugeot badge? O_o

I love how everything is ''performance'' and then out of nowhere, BAM! 25 year old Honda CRX.... lolwat?

Read in the voice of Clarkson

Still think that was one of the best bond cars ever.

I still think, despite all the hate that it was already done well in a james bond movie. BMW 750i. There is nothing to not like here. Monster 5.4 L 322 bhp with tons of torque. And super easy to blend in.

Came here expecting GTR. Dissapointed no one has pointed GTR. The thing drives itself. I'm surprised you cant drive it blindfolded

it did have a subplot... it was called Back to the Future 3...

I had to stare a this part for a good solid 5 minutes to realize it's made to ''look'' like it's moving... Wow

That horrible hideous smile though...

They already made Bacon Poutine but the best fast food one around is deff. Mc D's

WOW that looks so god damn much like GTR34

I love it how the made sure that every single part of the car screams MADE IN 'MERICA and then gave it a name like ''Esperante''... When will we get our ThunderCougarFalconBird?