
Since TRT-X cannot handle basic disagreement (seriously, he can’t - he’ll just dismiss people outright, because he’s a fucking idiot who cannot hang), I’ll post the person who bothered to thoughtfully respond to him (prisencolinensinainciusol):

Not really at all, because to make the insinuation that both accusations

I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.

Oh for fuck’s sake. All of that was said *before* the $600 checks went out - while people are still waiting this week there were way more before the election on the 5th. Only the willfully contrarian/selectively dumb were banking on $2k on top of the $600. Yes - we should watch these motherfuckers (we should ALWAYS

“Neutral: If you were in charge of our regulatory landscape, What Would Your American Auto Industry Look Like?”

Question is, did he lose his sense of smell? Would be a shame if he could no longer smell what he was cooking.

So that’s how white people feel when the police stop them in America.

There were children in the fucking car. I repeat three children saw their father shot by those that allegedly uphold the law. There is a reason I really don’t give a shit when one of these assholes in blue gets shot. Nor fucking sorry. Oh did they mention there was no body cam footage? Why is it that I can pull up

Yeah, but Trump needs to be attacked.  He isnt quick on his feet.  HRCs attacks on him were equivalent to the Smart kid in class using a smart comeback against the class bully.  It works in the class, but accomplishes nothing.  AOC is better at Trumps game than he is.  She uses social media well and she fires back

The less attention we give to that orange piece of garbage, the more likely he will be forgotten and that will make him more batshit insane.

Are we sure there’s even a load there. For all I know those a cardboard “weights” so it makes sense there would be zero noticeable load.

Even if that were true, which it really fucking isn’t, would it not make sense to you know, ADDRESS THE ISSUE?! 

This is true. But “Defund the Police” is a terrible slogan. If you have to explain your slogan with “well actually, ‘defund’ in this case means...” you’ve failed. Not only will your effort be lost, but it will be co-opted by the opposition and twisted (see that Tucker Carlson bit). Words like “defund” and “abolish”

The correct analogy comes from “Friday”, as far as being thrown out of the outside:

The WHO says pets should not be kept in Quarantine

This 100%!!!

Go Bernie Go! Just remember the hard work starts once we win the white house. 

Super Street Texas II Turbo: Hyper Americana