
I love how much I hate this kid. The writing for him is an absolute masterclass in passive-aggression. His polite putdowns are positively Canadian-grade.

“Cloud, good news. Your failure in that previous combat challenge gave me the data needed to create an easy-baby mode!”

“Cloud, in order to study the planet, we need

My strategy of bum rushing the board and winning purely by having more cards on the table has worked out better than any of the times I tried to play with finesse or skill.  

This is a pretty silly take. No one complains that a novelization has more content than a film. The difference here is its really only as long as you choose to make it.

This. FF7 was the first game I put over 100 hours in getting everything before finishing. I remember golden Choco breeding taking a massive amount of time  and probably have a couple hours alone in watching Bahamut Zero’s animation

I’m glad Claire drew the review straw for this one. Yeesh.

The first game took a literal 4 hour section of the game in which you are confined to a single city and expanded it to 60 hours. Now that it released a sequel with things to do and places to see and actually covers a sizable percentage of the story you have a complaint?

“never meant to be this long”?
I spent about countless hours in the original FF, doing all kinds of quests, grinding to lvl 99 before the final confrontation, trying to get every Materia possible, golden Chocobo breeding... the list was endless.
How can a remake be “too long”?
I mean - it is FF7, most people who buy

Not gonna lie, that made me want to go watch some more “Harley Quinn” (the animated series), which absolutely would be that self-aware.

Who is “everybody”? I’ve yet to see or hear ANY hands on when it comes to this game.

Oh everyone getting on a high horse can fuck the fuck off. Have you played the game? Miles couldn’t be more Puerto Rican, they gave him a fantastic suit based on the PR flag.

Anyone else notice the boat’s name is the Harriott II?

You know, on balance, I actually think he’s a pretty smart and, as far as I can tell, good dude. (My opinion here might be inflected by the fact that I think he’s also insanely hot.) I do think we’re gonna see a lot of this kind of thing because production works on a multi-year schedule so a bunch of stuff that’s in

Bruh the Root owes this man an apology for some of the shit y’all ran about him (and his lawyer). He is brining receipts to shut folks up

Doesn’t bother me at all.  The effort to get the AI To give you an answer to a forbidden topic is way more than just googling it.   

Really? Game Joel was running through that hospital throwing molotovs, burning people alive, dousing hallways in flamethrowers, blowing people to bits with fuckin’ nail bombs, beating the shit out of everyone with a baseball bate with scissors and knives taped to it, shooting corpses repeatedly just to see the ragodol

people eat up The Crown and anything else about the monarchy, famously known for slave trading and don’t say shit. This feels particularly pointed at Viola for being Black and these people don’t actually care that this movie has ties to the Slave trade historically.

What the heck people? It is a movie, made for entertainment and normally made to appeal to the masses. Movies have always taken “creative license” in dealing with historical facts. Jeez people, ease up.

And? Democrats invest in oil, guns, and companies that create societal problems all the time. Money is money.

Home Depot, United Parcel Service, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble Company are among the companies that Perry Greene purchased stock in on June 10,

Personally, I can’t wait until scrotes like you realize they don’t have to comment on every thread of something they don’t like.