
I can’t tell which is more worthy of resentment: the accusations against Asia, or Rose McGowan’s “none of us know the whole truth, please be gentle” response to it. Not that I entirely disagree with the philosophy behind Rose’s statement, I’m one for objectivity and learning both sides of a story before making a

2017 gave us what might be the two current apexes of modern visual effects with War for the Planet of the Apes and Blade Runner 2049.


Captain Ron is one of the 90's most underrated gems and a top 5 Kurt Russell performance in my book.

Steven Soderbergh is my go-to career B+ pick (granted, I still haven’t seen sex, lies, and videotape). Every movie I’ve seen of his has been perfectly functional and well-put together, the man clearly knows how to direct a movie. I just don’t think he’s ever really achieved making a “great” film (Traffic and Ocean’s

I wonder if I physically have it in me to sit through a Gaspar Noe film. Not because I don’t think I’d have the stomach for it, but because I am a photosensitive epileptic and am worried one of his films might actually kill me (I couldn’t even get through the opening titles of Enter the Void).

I’ve been waiting for this for so long.

“Are we brothers, Francis? I would like that very much” is in the running for the best line delivery of the year. It crumbled my heart to tiny little pieces. What an incredible evolution of two characters.

The first thing I thought of when I heard about Shkreli’s sentencing was DiCaprio’s monologue at the end of Wolf of Wall Street: “I’m not ashamed to admit, when we arrived at prison I was absolutely terrified. But I needn’t have been. See, for a brief, fleeting moment...I had forgotten I was rich.” So, sadly, none of

My favorite fictional bad business model is Paddy’s Bucks scheme from It’s Always Sunny.

I miss the days when content like this regularly appeared on YouTube — it really was the best of times. No weekly show formats, not even necessarily high production value, just a couple of friends getting together to shoot whatever dumb idea one of them came up with because it seemed like fun, and juuuuust maybe

Eh, I thought this one was perfectly adequate, disposable fun. Not high cinematic art by any stretch, but probably the closest thing video game adaptations have to a success story thus far.

I mean, I don’t blame him. Instead of getting to enjoy the victory properly, he had to witness the La La Land team’s moment in the sun turn to ash and then have to somehow be grateful in the act of ruining their night in front of millions of people at the same time. It was unfair and probably highly uncomfortable for

His “WHAT!?!?” near the end of La La Land completely caught me off guard. I was laughing so hard in the theater.

THIS is the kind of fan response that deserves to get some spotlight, too!

Slow news day, eh?


I miss having a physical collection of movies and I want that to go back in style. This is one of many big reasons for that.

To quote the wise sage, Butthead...