all mill

It’s a CP because $3,800 is fullsize pricing when you’re going back that far in age. 

I bought a pair of Crocs in 2005...I still wear them to this day. They survived 3 years on a U.S. Navy ship, a close encounter with a fish hook, 4 moves, and 2 marriages.


I had three of em (2 dakotas and a durango) the exhaust note is priceless...this is still a CP.

Kill it with fire then bury the ashes deep.  

take your star

My buddy’s dad has one...he drives it like he stole it. 

Went to the bottom picked NP, then read the article. A rust-free 620 is almost worth it’s weight in gold by itself, a running example is even better. It may be as slow as death in factory form (it’s really not that bad) it’s an SR2o or KA20 away from being a blast to push around town in.

didn’t read...went to the bottom to click NP.  Now i’ll read it. 

It almost feels like a set up at this point.  Walking into a public place with a mask on seems like a green light to get clapped by a security guard “fearing for his life.”  I’m just glad these young men made it out with just a video and nothing worse. 

I hope for a quick recovery.  Slim has been putting out great material for a minute.  He’s also a pretty serious car guy so, he gets extra points in my book. 

AMEN!!! very few of our hands are clean. 

I’d take it.



Just got my first Sienna and I don’t regret it one bit.  I have the minitruck for fun and tinkering, but I enjoy daily driving mine. 

Sienna owner.  BY FAR the best car decision I’ve ever made.  I have kids, a shit commute, make frequent road trips, and customize everything I own.  The Sienna is comfortable, (relatively efficient), and has enough of an aftermarket to make it interesting.  I have to pry the keys away from my wife and sister because

we have one!!!! but it’s a manual.

$3000 not a penny more.

The answer is Xterra, keep the change