
I mean, we’re talking about a guy who intentinaly gave Teslas model names to spell out “sexy.” And then “cybertruck.” Musk has the cultural maturity of a 14 year old boy, which plays perfectly with his stans.

With just two screens, there was something intimate and classic about the Ritz, which was—until now—the company’s oldest original location.

Per the GOP plan, Texas Gov. Abbott is trying to kill off as many people as he can before too many are vaccinated.

And it might have done just that. However, with bars and restaurants at 100% for St. Paddy’s day, be watching the Texas numbers around the end of the month. 

I mean, if you are friends with the Cruz family, how good a person can you be?

Cruz and the rest of the Texas GOP are taking a page out of their fuhrer’s playbook: Don’t bother giving a shit or doing anything to help. They watched their orange leader do that for four years and still manage to get almost half the country’s voters to still vote for him. So why should they care? Their loyal, un-refl

The new normal might become the old normal as we need to replace it with a new new normal.

Conservative women have been having babies for ages and nothing has changed for the better with regard to how mothers and their families have to cope financially when they have children. And nothing will change now even though this particular conservative mother has “realized” something. She’s playing to the audience

I feel bad for not feeling bad this turd bought it because of the 300k+ others who have suffered due to his party’s assholery.

I think our failure as a society in this pandemic is too well documented for that to happen.

Here’s what I do:

If these pricks are so concerned about the long term viability of live music, they need to be using their money and influence to make sure venues survive the pandemic’s economic impact. Advocating behavior that directly leads to more easily preventable deaths is not the correct approach. But it is much easier and

I always wonder when the conservative ideological structure will completely collapse under its own weight and utter lack of substance or structure. But it just keeps chugging along, growing more outrageous while based on absolutely nothing but manufactured outrage. And then again, that’s kind of the point. The point

What gets me is that it doesn’t even seem to register with these idiots that restaurants don’t make up a larger portion of the way people are infected because of the very thing they are bitching about

Believe it or not Senator Conryn (R-TX) said it is time to move on.

I’m not the only one who remembers Trump’s promise that there would be mobs and riots if Biden won, right? I mean, besides the “stand down, stand by” comment, he clearly said this was going to happen if he lost. None of that shit was an idle threat, it was a real one and the media then and today has not called him out

there’s people who feel I’m being too scornful about this test?

So 17 (Republican led) states have joined Paxton’s frivolous lawsuit against 4 states that went to Biden. According to the Washington Post, the suite states “The constitutional issue is not whether voters committed fraud but whether state officials violated the law by systematically loosening the measures for ballot

This claim is recognized by experts to be completely baseless and, many suspect, simply a cynical effort to sew discord among Trump supporters.

You can’t get heart disease, give it to someone else who doesn’t want it, and it ends up killing them. You can get infected with this virus, give it to someone else who doesn’t want it, and it ends up killing them. Apples to oranges fuckwit.