Can’t unhear. I will never pronounce it microwave again.
Can’t unhear. I will never pronounce it microwave again.
Lucky thing for Loeffler and all the other Republicans running for office, they don’t have to do or say anything close to representing reality. They can lie, cheat, and deflect to their heart’s content and their base just won’t care (or even know) so long as they have (R) next to their name and have bent the knee and k…
Why you ask? Because the last I heard Trump and his band of merry jesters have managed to raise over $170 million with their performance of “election fraud.” This latest, over the top performance pretty much cements the fact that this whole thing is nothing but a con to destabilize the country as much as possible…
Ah. Good point.
Depending on how many more Republicans get on board with this bullshit, if/when Biden finally gets in control, it is going to be time to start arresting these people for treason. This has all gone way beyond “going too far.”
Aren’t these recalls always for packaged romaine? It seems that way.
For them, it’s not real, and it won’t be real until it hits them close to home.
My lady and I went out today to go for a hike in the hill country. It was wonderful. Peaceful. Relaxing. Rejuvenating.
Feckless, cowardly Republicans are just making this whole thing worse. I read the following in the Washington Post today:
I like and agree with everything you’re saying about how things are supposed to work. And after those particular Republicans get their “virtue signaling” out there, the way things are supposed to go will probably happen. But this is a party whose only real goal is to lie and deceive in order to make politics as…
You trust those traitorous Republicans a hell of a lot more than I do. I half expect them to do all they can to force their state’s electors to vote for Trump regardless of how their state voted.
While the 2020 polls were once again wildly off
He’ll call for a coup, but those clowns he’s calling are all a bunch of cowards who only feel tough because they have a gun when they’re around a bunch of unarmed people. But when push comes to shove, they won’t do a god-damned thing.
The commentary track on this episode on the DVD is hands down the best commentary track for a television show I have ever heard.
Ya, I generally don’t buy new releases on disc right away as I like to wait for the price to drop. But since I didn’t get to see this in the theater I’ll be pre-ordering this one no matter the price. Hopefully there are a lot of like minded movie lovers out there and together we can show that physical media has quite…
I am hard pressed to find a more entitled acting demographic than the white Republican.
This is what you get when you have a traditional media system that is tightly controlled by just a few corporations and a new media system (e.g. social media) that allows racism, bigotry, intolerance and hate to spread with practically no enforcement of basic standards of human decency and respect. Until both of these…
Thank you for your service.
My plan is the opposite. I’m gonna check-out tomorrow after work (make an elaborate dinner, play video games or watch movies until I fall asleep), then on Wednesday morning open the Washtington Post to find out what happened over night (if the local militia doesn’t wake me up in the middle of the night bombing my…
Update: Posted 11/2/2020 2:57 pm CST at Washington Post: