Perfect. There is no other reply to this story.
Perfect. There is no other reply to this story.
Hell, she fucking said so herself when it came to the vacancy from Scalia
Ya. House need simple majority, Senate needs 2/3. A man can dream, though. A man can dream.
I’m not a lawyer but a simple Google search got me a little info on how/why a supreme court justice can be impeached. Granted it isn’t the best source but I don’t feel like spending hours doing research for you.
Supreme Court justices can be impeached.
Democrats better maker her go on record more than once and in more than one way that her allegiance is to the constitution and not to Trump.
If the GOP ever had any standards of decency, respectability or honesty (and I mean if), those days are long gone and Trump was the final nail in that coffin.
If Fox News didn’t exist, none of this would be happening.
Everything that comes out of the Trump administration is a lie. There’s no reason to think that Pence’s negative test results are not also a lie. Just like in the Presidential debate, the Trump campaign is trying to kill their opposition.
After letting an infected Trump into the same room as Biden without insisting he take a COVID test, the Commission on Presidential Debates should be permanently dissolved. If the candidates want to do a debate, the campaigns should set up a zoom meeting like the rest of us.
Round Table pepperoni and pineapple pizza. If that was my last meal I'd die a happy man.
Two things.
The saying “be careful what you wish for” has never been more apt.
Republicans will never forgive America for electing a black president. And they’re going to burn the country to the ground in response.
proposals to make Juneteenth a federal holiday and to designate lynching as a national hate crime
I live in an apartment and only have the option to cook my burgers indoors when eating at home. I used to always use 90% but one time used 80% and never went back. The difference in flavor just isn’t worth it. I also use a cast iron grill pan on the stove so they don’t fry in their grease. And I don’t remember having…
It bears repeating: Republicans are using this pandemic to kill as many people as they possibly can.
Trump reset the bar required for Republicans to meet the requirements of decency, respectability, honesty and trustworthiness by setting it on the floor.
Republicans wouldn’t honor the dying wish of their own mothers if it meant more power. That much is certain. The only thing Republicans will respond to is a loss of money and power. Now might be the time for Democrats to be telling Tump that he and his cronies won’t be prosecuted for the many, many crimes they are…
The Democratic party (or some entitiy) really needs to explain Q-anon to the public (that at their core they are a Nazi organization) and make the links between them and the Republican party crystal clear. I’m talking really drive the point home on as many fronts as possible (e.g. social media, party talking points,…