
Monica Lewinsky can’t decide between a Subaru or a Tesla.

Fair enough.

That moderator lineup is garbage.

Personally, I’m out on the street with (hopefully) hundreds of thousands of other peaceful protesters. That’s my voice and that’s all I can do. And that’s what Trump and his goons will try to silence by force of violence. If my beaten/dead body becomes a message, so be it I guess. I just hope it matters (and hope even

please think about what you are willing to do, and what you are willing to lose in order to send a clear message that he has to go

Trump losing in November is important, but he has to lose BIG. And not just him. The Republican party needs to be knocked down multiple pegs, and there need to be consequences for this party’s members for their complicity in all of Trump and his administration’s crimes. Otherwise all of this we are dealing with now

Huh. What do you know. The average white guy is an asshole.

The Trump administration is going to be distributing sugar water, calling it a vaccine and demanding praise. They are going to fuck this shit up just like they have fucked up everything else they’ve gotten their hands into.

On the first day of the Republican National Convention, Trump spews bullshit about election rigging.”

This is why I thought she would have been a better pick for AG. 

Meanwhile, there’s absolutely no certainty that federal lawmakers will extend the $600 per-week unemployment benefits that expired last Friday. So naturally, experts expect the number of Americans facing homelessness to climb even higher, especially in states hit hardest by the pandemic

News media in the US, particularly television news, began its decent into almost complete bullshit in the 70's when it turned from primarily being seen as a “public service” to being in service of the station’s bottom line. Add to that the Vietnam war, the lesson of which to the news media was that if they wanted

Many Republican/conservative lawmakers tend to be very competent and evil. But what do you expect when their entire platform is based on people not giving a shit about what happens to someone else.

American political culture as a whole has been shifting right as the Republican party has been straying further and further off the right-wing deep end. Wasn’t it 2016 where the idea was floated to water down the Dem platform on abortion? And now this? The only thing we can hope for at this point is that the

The thing is that people are acting like we should have known everything about how to handle this virus from day one, completely ignoring the fact that the world had never seen COVID-19 before. When it popped up in the US, it had been a thing for maybe 4 months, 5 months tops. Information about how transmissible it

Not sure how much more anti-American you can get than deliberately stoking hatred between Americans while also ignoring, and exacerbating, a pandemic that is on track to kill hundreds of thousands, if not topping a million, Americans before this is all said and done. We know who is anti-America, and it isn’t the ones

Ya, they surely don’t care. But when it comes right down to it, it may as well be intention if you are engaging a behavior when you know what the outcome is going to be. They know what the outcome is going to be if they ignore any other options without, at the very least, enforcing health precautions as a condition.*

In Texas, a “right to work” state, teachers can be fired and lose their license to teach if they strike.

Trump to America’s Schoolchildren: Haha, You’re Gonna Get Sick!