
Any shred of hope I had that Republicans would do the right thing in the face of a severe national crisis evaporated when they refused to keep mask wearing from becoming a political issue instead of working to make it the public health issue that it is. Republicans are willing to let hundreds of thousands of Americans

Americans are insanely short sighted by default. And I’m not going to qualify this statement by saying “some Americans.” The short-sightedness of Americans is deeply cultural and effects most aspects of life, from economics to politics to popular culture.

“Only old people and people with weak immune systems have died from it,” he said. “If you eat fattening foods, don’t work out and don’t take care of your body, it is going to be hard to fight it.”

I can guarantee you one thing, if the demographics of the pandemic were flipped (i.e. it disproportionally affected white communities instead of minority communities), this country would have been shut down, and kept shut down, until a vaccine was developed and widely available.

Conservative pundits and politicians have already begun to suggest that any surge in covid-19 can be attributed to the uprisings and protests over police brutality, which have grown into a national movement

All those conservative assholes who call themselves patriots, if they’re out there saying we need martial law or that it is ok for the police/military/whoever to assault/maim/kill protesters, those fuckers need to reconsider how much of a “patriot” they really are. Because they sound a hell of a lot like traitors to

In the United States we kill our progressive leaders.

Wow. Because of a weak, cowardly, white supremacist president martial law is about to be invoked and you guys are taking pot shots at Biden. Nice.

Moments after authorities coerce Facebook and Instagram to shut off the live feed for 23-year-old Korryn Gaines’ standoff with police, Baltimore County police officers burst into her home and shoot her dead as she holds her son in her arms.

Ya, it isn’t a perfect idea. I just thought it might be an effective way of getting people to act more responsibly and less selfishly.

One of the things I’d like to see with contact tracing is that the person who tests positive is then sent periodic updates of the number of people tied to his/her infection, how many of them are hospitalized and how many die. I don’t know if that is possible, but if contact tracing is going to happen in any in depth

There’s been a sea change in the American public mind over the past few decades in that empathy seems to have completely disappeared from the conservative personality. It was never one of the conservative’s strong suits, but since Regan it has become increasingly rare. Add to this an overall American ideological shift

How much more will suffer because our government refuses to listen to reason, science, or basic common sense?

If the GOP response to this pandemic does not convince Americans that Republicans see their lives as completely expendable, I don’t’ know what will. I don’t expect that ALL Americans would understand this or even care, but I would hope that at least a vast majority would.

Let’s not kid ourselves, the GOP is pro-death of Americans and everything they say, do, and don’t do with regards to this pandemic, mass shootings, and domestic terrorism in general is proof positive. I’ll qualify my statement by saying that they are pro-death of Americans so long as it is white Americans causing, or

I’m fairly certain the like minded religious folks pretty much think if they die they’re going to heaven, and all the rest are a bunch of heathens who this virus from God is going to strike from this earth to burn in hell for all eternity.

Ya, I gotta agree with that.

This is what they want.

Allow me to quote Paul Krugman just in case people need to hear it: “The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy.”

I’d been avoiding letting someone else pick out produce and meats for me, but I have been ordering pretty much everything else via curbside pick up, so took the plunge and added some veggies and meat to my last order.