And here I thought we were supposed to punch fascists/racists in the face.
And here I thought we were supposed to punch fascists/racists in the face.
The Seahawks have a banner for both their 2013 NFC Championship, and 2013 Superb Owl. You would think that one would suffice, since you can’t win the Superb Owl unless you first win the NFC Championship, but then again, we’re talking about a bunch of 12s here who couldn’t pick Cortez Kennedy out of a lineup of two.
Football is rotten to its core, but please click here on the Dick Joke Jamboroo (but I thought dick jokes created a hostile work environment?) so we get that sweet, sweet ad revenue.
Same here #12since12
Not that it really matters here, but this was the US Open Cup, which is run by USSF...which is also dumb, so I suppose your comment still applies.
Not everyone shits all over people in their moment of triumph. For instance, the two paragraph post on Deadspin about White’s win (likely posted minutes after he won to maximize teh clixz) didn’t mention this at all.
Why do they need more white allies? I was told by a website affiliated with this one that white allies are part of the problem?
And when it comes down to it, Catan isn’t really all that great...but it still should be #1 on this list of games.
Settlers of Catan...also known as the Marijuana of board games.
I can tell you how it affects the Hawks chances of winning a particular game. After several games, one night at dinner, Ciara asks Russell if he’s considered supporting Bennett’s protest. Russell stares blankly back at her and says “Does not compute,” which sets Ciara off on a tirade of “Black Lives Matter this” and…
Go figure that the website that routinely spams its readers with Nolan’s drivel thinks that an additional $29 million guaranteed is the same thing as $300,000.
Only in Deadspin’s alternate economic reality is guaranteeing an extra $29 million “an extra $300,000”
“You don’t have to pick a side because they are both awful, but we will bombard you with articles about the spectacle because holy shit do you see how many clicks we’re getting?”
Yeah, here in Seattle, breweries and bars seem to operate under different regulations as far as what age range is allowed in. Bars are no one under 21, whereas I think breweries are up to the owner. I don’t have kids, but plenty of my friends do, so it’s nice to have an option where we can all meet up and have a few…
I think it’s reasonable to allow him to revise his 2013 opinion when the Europa League was effectively the NIT, but since the 2015 Europa League Final you now get a spot in the Champions League the next year, so I can see why teams might take it a little more seriously now.
I would guess it’s more because of the CBA. The federal government could legalize it tomorrow and NFL players would probably still be shit out of luck because of the CBA.
Yup, that’s how I am as well. I’m so much more productive on Sundays (that is, when I don’t just decide to smoke a shit ton of weed and play video games all day).
Yeah Billy, but keep in mind that Hamid is probably garbage, because he plays in a garbage I doing it right?
Don’t forget the assholes who went back to Cooperstown for the Ken Griffey Jr. HOF induction ceremony and started a SEA-HAWKS chant. At Junior’s number retirement a few weeks later they were bringing out legends from other Seattle sports teams, and the response by all the bros in the Pen when they brought out Tez and…