
Maybe you should think more.

Can I say how much I appreciate the take on these news stories - you’re not trying to be “objective” or “non-political” because no one can afford to be at this point. Keep calling out the bullshit, and don’t let the idiots off easy.

Indeed. The unfortunate part is this would fly 20,000 ft. over the head of 80% of the American public.

I mean, why not just give the people what they want:

At the Very least, a straight 6 (most likely V6) would have been an easier pill to swallow for 80 Thousand Dollars! This car sounds Race mode (has like a Boxer sound to it), The V8 version of everything else sounds much better in every mode. The V8s are more playful even in comfort mode. It’s the same thing

Honda Accord or CivicHybrid

No, please don’t ruin Mazda this way.

“What are we gonna do tonight, Brain?”

I’ve been looking at the same car for 20 years and am no closer to affording it.

Scanning through the video, one thing he misses on a downside is NOx. Which being from the UK (based on accent), is understandable. In the UK, the sun angle is much less than in the US, so the impact of NOx is less important than in the southern areas of the US where the NOx combined with the sunlight going through


Back in the day Ralph Gilles was rumored to have a tuned-up minivan that could hang with sports cars.

And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a weird automobile. And you may ask yourself "why won't this damn thing start?"

Yeah, but it’ll probably be a lot roomier to live out of that bigger car once most of us become homeless, amplified by the incoming stupidity.

The accord has been longer than 193" and wider than 73" since 2008.

Actually, I rarely race online. I most do vintage racing against AI, in titles like Assetto Corsa, RFactor2, and Automobilista 2.

I absolutely love my Mazda3. It’s by no means perfect (no car is), but it manages to be incredibly fun to drive while also being just barely big enough to suit my needs. It’s also just a damn good looking car and a nice place to be.

Same. I just don’t enjoy driving large vehicles. I’ll take maneuverability and parking ease any day.

The manufacturers can offer cheaper prices for the CUVs. The entire reason they dumped the small sedans is that if they just changed the car on the same platform into a CUV, you can sell it for 10-20% more than the sedan variant with only a very marginal higher manufacturing cost.

Some of us just want small cars. I always have. I always will.