
You touched on the issue pretty well. Cars are tech heavy now, to the point where some buyers actively avoid buying more expensive models to avoid excessive electronics. Being the “tech company” in that situation isn’t going to help. Not to mention even lower tier cars have enough accessories to make even a base model

Friendly neighborhood IP attorney here - Ford files for design patent protection of different aspects of their vehicle design frequently. For example, their most recently issued design patent is for a lower grille that looks like the grille on the current gen mustang. Also, they won a decision against the Automotive

well judging from Tesla’s stock price today, it is going well for Elon. Hell it’s a huge win for Elon and their stans

You are assuming that the housing market drops but your wealth and spending power isn’t similarly eroded?

Work Equips

My brother keeps sending me this guy’s videos. Some, like this one, are a bop; others are simply bananas. All are an enjoyable enough distraction so no complaints from me. More importantly, very glad to see Traffic Jams return.

I have to admit I do kind of dig that interior.

I’m a yt so I can’t and won’t use those phrases, but I’ve hear those folks referred to as “Lost Children”

My understanding is that it’s both.

Not exactly a car company but the Lanzante logo is a slightly angry Lord Ganesh from hinduism and it goes hard af 

You don't know Kentucky bill? Why he's the one who makes all the bills in Kentucky! Then when he's done, he goes and visits his cousin Doug Dimmadome. 

Good point. We should crush ALL the Chargers and Challengers. Maybe G35/37s too.  Just to be safe. And on general principles.

Anytime we’re asked NP/ND on a car more than 25 years old, it must meet a specific requirements. It either must have great utility for the buck (a good truck in great condition, nice Saturday top-down cruiser, etc.) or ostensibly peaks on the “rule of cool” gage. For under $7,000, this is peak rule of cool. Nice Price.

I’ll make another nomination, just because it tends to be a bit more obscure.

Snakes are cool. I like all our snakey boys, and would like some future psychotic 2000 horsepower EV snake with yet another cool logo too.

I’ve always liked the Holden logo.

I guess it’s technically not a badge, but Jaguar’s leaping jaguar hood ornament will always be my favorite:

Lexus GX460.

That’s an EV issue in general, particularly without tax incentives and manufacturer incentives that are only possible with profitable ICE vehicle sales.

One can go on to, and do some calculations on whether or not an EV will save you money. Even if you did 15k miles per year and paid $4 per gallon, an

The Kia version has been on sale for over a year