This is terrible news for the Celtics, because now it’ll be extra embarrassing when they lose this series anyway.
This is terrible news for the Celtics, because now it’ll be extra embarrassing when they lose this series anyway.
Le Pen won’t win. Right now she’s panicking and becoming more hardline, as the Left-Wing populist Jean-Luc Melenchon is gaining ground, announcing a complete ban on immigration and the like.
Even if they had PG they still wouldn’t have the best player on the court, but I think they prob win the series.
Cool, well, enjoy 5 more years of mediocrity for the chance of eventually being good. I eagerly await seeing how it works to have 10 guys who all think they should have the ball.
Thing is, they’ll be lucky to draft someone who turns into Paul George in four years, and there’s a good chance they get someone who turns into way less. They could have had actual Paul George now. They’re banking a lot on getting a superstar out of this draft who is great before Isaiah Thomas is a corpse.
This is such a sadly true statement*
*someone who roots for the Bulls and just wants the front office gone, but won’t see it happen with this “success”
The Celtics are the kid who tries super hard to get good grades but can’t handle the SATs.
It’s a small victory for Brooklyn, tanking to pave the way for Chicago to get the 8 seed. Small victories are all they have right now.
you would absolutely die if you jumped into a pool of whisky. or at least, it would super fuck you up. Distilled alcohol doesn’t allow you to be as buoyant, so you’d have to fight really hard just to get out. Also, the fumes and intensity of it would probably intoxicate you, choke you, and sting your eyes and throat…
I very much love how there are two buttons, both of which are pre-order. It’s like taking a 2017 White House survey!
Stick a sock in it. People hated Hillary long before they knew who Bernie Sanders was.
Nah, I actually think this is what most players want. Current Destiny is a mess in terms of balancing, economy, leveling, and pretty much everything involving gear.
This has been happening in the east the last 15 years. The notion that so-so meddling teams make it to the postseason simply because of what side of the country they’re on goes against what the playoffs are about. Simply put, it should be the top 16 teams split among two brackets. The idea that a team with a record of…
Its amazing how regular citizens will become complicit in government terror isn’t it?
Time to get back to doing what this country is really good at: kicking the shit out of Nazis.
Paul Ryan’s reputation as the Republican’s “serious policy guy” seems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and…
Yes yes yes. These dumbasses thought Obamacare was something different from the ACA and now that they have learned it’s the same fucking thing, suddenly it’s “don’t take away my healthcare!” They were fine taking it away from the mythical lazy negroes and Mexicans, though, of course.
Trump becomes more and more like a comic supervillain.
Putting everything aside, hatred of Trump, etc., this statement just bothers me to the core: