
I have the same feeling as you do but I want to try illustrating it another way.

So...girlfriend can have sex with other partners, you cannot be part. Because if you were, she might leave you. Let’s note SHE IS HAVING SEX WITH OTHER PEOPLE but you shouldn’t be part of it if you allow it because she’s going to leave.

Awww, Taj Gibson is fine!

Contribute to the legal fund for the protesters here:

Now playing

Also worth noting: the founder of Bikers For Trump appeared on Fox News and claimed that anarchist protesters “admitted” to being funded by George Soros.

Same here. I’m such a podcast junkie

How far out do we go where sportswriters are allowed to praise Sam Hinkie? Like the Sixers won’t be really comparative this year but if they are in a year or two, do we still get revisionist pieces about how “The System” worked (despite producing years of putrid basketball)?

If we learned anything from Bernie’s run, it’s that there is a massive need for the Democrats to do shit like this. Be willing to make bold statements that are risky.

“On January 20th, I will not be celebrating or honoring an incoming president who rode racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry to the White House,” “The American people will never forget that when a foreign government violated our democracy, Donald Trump chose the interests of another nation over our own.”

hero, straight up...f’en hero.

I’m having fun in Competitive.... >~>


My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

Dear Berniebros*:

But it didn’t end there. On the back of the photo Alex wrote, “You must find the Jade Monkey by the next full moon.”

Re EE: she didn’t post JOHN SMITH HAS CROHN’S DISEASE AND CAN’T GIVE ME DICK AND LIVES AT 123 FAKE STREET, it is an advice column and she asked for advice.

My guess would be that they were determining whether the gunshot was self-inflicted or not. It’s easy to sit here and wonder why an investigation was needed, but it’s probably a good thing that the authorities take a little time to rule out murder. You know, just in case he was murdered and there’s now a murderer

That entire margin is in one state. Look, I wanted Hillary to win, but she didn’t. We can’t keep grasping at the popular vote win because it doesn’t mean anything.

Hillary didn’t fucking fail. She beat Trump by nearly three million votes.

Canadian sports fans will remember a lot of this, because the interplay between Usain Bolt and Andre de Grasse was showcased a lot, probably too much.