
That’s an interesting story: you see, the Republican Party was founded in 1854, 26 years after the Democratic Party. Post Civil War, the Republican party was made up of two factions, the “lily-white faction” and the “black-and-tan” faction. Guess who they both thought should participate in the Republican party.

It’s going to be fun this season, watching him pop open off a screen, just in time for a perfect look......

These women are badasses.

How is that not the last thing you check before you go on stage at a massive televised event? I always have the same list of checks before something important: 1. Nothing in nose 2. Nothing in teeth 3. Boobs not escaping from shirt 4. Fly is up/skirt isn’t tucked into underwear.

Thank you for being there so we don’t have to be.

Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money

Fantastic, now I need to go dig up all of my victims and put them somewhere else. Thanks, Nintendo!


Also, + 2 (two) Corinthians

Per Pokemon GO’s download numbers, about 30 million people.

I think your point is generally a good one. This is not the best example, imho. While I do not think that threatening not to do their jobs is appropriate of ANY government worker based upon a citizen exercising his first amendment rights, I do think that police are not off base in being outraged by this. Activism,


I’m fairly certain a most of us will be there voting for Hillary with bells on. We’re not all morons despite what some say.

Every liberal I personally know voted for Bernie and now every single one of them, myself included, is getting behind Hillary. We’re giving too much of a voice to the Bernie or Bust contingent who are a teeny tiny minority of his supporters and are people who probably do not generally vote and if they do, they don’t

*As pictured

Who cares what they look like?

The Cubs. I know that’s lame but fuck it.

What milestone officially makes you an adult? I’m of the opinion that once you happily pass up quality sex so you can get to bed before 10p, you’re grown up.

In honor of Destiny, it has no story.