
Government, low bid dev probably never heard of OWASP. Burp Suite or Zed and your client side processing is mine. eShoplifting is a real thing.

Ya, you gotta getcha yerself two or three ratchet straps on that and it’ll stay there.

On our ‘03 C320 you could adjust the delay on the auto headlights though the cutting edge orange-monochrome LCD screen in the instrument cluster.

Additionally, most e-bikes are incapable of regenerative braking, so that robs further stopping power.
IMO front tire disks are a good thing for commuters that deal with rain often as it pulls the braking mechanism up away from puddles that consistently hold oil and other friction robbing solvents as runoff from

E-bikes are an exception to this. That gets people out of some dangerous spots that rim brakes couldn’t due to the benefit of added clamping force. It also pulls the brake surface out of the elements that a rim can get into.

They are all essentially the same gearbox, I believe the Z4 gets some unique ratios. The point of what they’re saying is, just because M2s are selling with manuals, doesn’t mean they are selling enough overall to validate the emissions, engineering, and tooling costs.

They probably make tons more money selling M240i’s

Don’t destroy the cars (that aren’t beyond saving)!

$14,000? I’m gonna need to see some crash test videos before I make any decisions.

I’m a pacifist by nature; I fully believe in negotiation and calm discussion to resolve issues.

I was definitely being sarcastic, but that’s an actual argument someone was making in a comment section about this somewhere online and I thought it was hilarious.

We all know what is coming next.

1995 was too soon, the technology hadn’t matured yet.

But it’s been nearly 30 years, the time is now.

For the Virtual Boy 2.

You like the cheese? Check out the Ice Cream!


Nissan makes the Z, the 15 year old GTR which still has a shit transmission, and a bunch of other rolling trash that people with low credit scores and rental fleets buy. That’s it. That is their entire lineup summed up. Anyone who says differently is getting paid by Nissan and someone needs to nut-up and tell Nissan

More like Icon of Disease, amirite?

Waving hello from Chicagoland, where the Volt (plugged in to 110V) and CRV (and M3) live outside in the driveway and the Suburban takes up way too much space in the garage.

That Mahindra works as a good stunt double for the Land Cruiser Prado-which is definitely forbidden fruit.

I don’t know, I thought the header image was a Grand Cherokee at first glance.

Must have been an underinflated tire.