
The Porsche 944 is better looking than the 928.

For Sale. Low miles. Stored indoors. Price firm (I know what’ve got!).

Can’t wait for “Carbon based units infesting Enterprise”

The only thing this pilot will carry from now on is rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong...

I would say this is a very far-fetched take.

counterpoint:  i want all the swearing.  give me more. 

It’s possible she was in this state of mind due to some bad medicine, but Jon told her he’d be there for her, asked her to lay her hand on him, and he helped her over the edge by keeping her in these arms.  Keep the faith, he instructed.

I also want to point out that I appreciate the fact your reply did not just resort to name calling and questioning my intelligence.  It’s kind of refreshing

This guy would have just sent it:

Pig! Dog ! Loaf of Bread ! 

Wrong! French Bulldogs can be service animals! The ones that are wear a baguette carrier and a little pouch for Gitanes cigarettes!

Anything that’s not a Mazda Miata because everything else has totally missed the mark.

The only response needed here.  Well done.

Good. Fuck em.

Hands up all who wondered why their was some sort of water filled tunnel under LAX 

Did the plane “drop” 25,000 feet as the title suggests, or did the plane simply descend 25,000 feet to equalize the cabin pressure, as the actual article suggests?

Cause the title reads like the plane lost pressure and immediately dropped 25,000 feet....which would result in some serious injuries, if not deaths, I

That sucks and all, but Toxic Rocket Drop sounds like a really sick skate trick.

Dead 12V battery AND a borked window?

Have you tested that the airtag and tile actually work? I’ve seen people hide them in the tubes and then realize later that the signal was blocked and they wouldn't work. 

That’s not paranoid, that’s prudent.  My son had his Trek stolen after leaving it unattended for about 90 seconds (his fault for not locking it, but still pretty impressive).  People will steal shit in a heartbeat.