You like the cheese? Check out the Ice Cream!
You like the cheese? Check out the Ice Cream!
Nissan makes the Z, the 15 year old GTR which still has a shit transmission, and a bunch of other rolling trash that people with low credit scores and rental fleets buy. That’s it. That is their entire lineup summed up. Anyone who says differently is getting paid by Nissan and someone needs to nut-up and tell Nissan…
More like Icon of Disease, amirite?
Waving hello from Chicagoland, where the Volt (plugged in to 110V) and CRV (and M3) live outside in the driveway and the Suburban takes up way too much space in the garage.
That Mahindra works as a good stunt double for the Land Cruiser Prado-which is definitely forbidden fruit.
Fruit is not always good- see Jackfruit for an example, I don’t care how it tastes the stuff smells like roadkill skunk in an ashtray
I don’t know, I thought the header image was a Grand Cherokee at first glance.
Must have been an underinflated tire.
Couple of things...
1. House of Blues (HOB) is in the same complex that Marino City is in, and this happened in FRONT of Marina city. That pedestrian cross walk is right infront of a ONE WAY ramp into the parking area. This did not happen blocks away from the event, it happened 400 feet away from the event.
2. That…
Airport math -- one OKC man’s 7AM Thursday morning is another Brisbane man’s 10PM Friday night.
I tried to special order one, but the boxes for brown, TDI and manual were greyed out
It is disappointing to hear this. They seem to be making the same mistake they made with the CR-Z, completely misjudging the enthusiast attachment to the name, and delivering something completely unfulfilling.
I imagine the arm would injure Evelyn quite severely.
I’m telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.
I feel like you’d have to get every state to do this to make it work. Like, Illinois can have the toughest gun laws in the country but if right across the border is Indiana, where gun laws are “wut we don’t care”, it doesn’t matter. Or like polution, where Wisconsin can try and be tough on people dumping in lake…
Awww, ain’t that cute.
Elon started off as this generation’s Henry Ford, and unfortunately continued to become this generation’s Henry Ford.
Seems like an opportunity for the floor plan provider to extend a line of credit for the tax incentive and the dealer just pays it off in rolling increments once the gov pays.