why kill a perfectly good E46 M3 for this? :confused:
why kill a perfectly good E46 M3 for this? :confused:
They’re more of an aughts band than a 90's band. #wellactually
Oops, forgot about the Challenger. Looks great, but no thanks. It would be a step down in the handling department from my E90.
You do if you have *3* kids, a wife, and a dog. For the simple reason that there is not a single RWD coupe on the market with 5 seat belts. This is why I haven’t switched away from my E90 to a Mustang or similar.
Is it just me, or does it seem like he still has pedal left on the 1st run? Speed was still climbing pretty good but the driver backed off. Why? Did he pass a marker that I missed that told him to start slowing down?
I live in the Chicago metro area. This shit happens. (tho 9 hours might be an extreme case).
I got yelled at in Jersey for trying to pump my own gas. Thought I was getting scammed at first when he told me he had to pump my gas. Good to know Oregon does this too. #statestoavoid
They’re good dogs, Torch
FWIW, this is a normal Thursday morning in Kankakee.
Well this news had the added bonus that it doesn’t make me feel so bad for taking out a 48 month note on a 3 year old used car.
It was the early aughts. I was a junior consultant staffed on a death march of a project in a mid-western city that was not my own. There wasn’t much in the way of budget oversight on the project so all of us on the team had our own corporate apartments and we all got our own rental cars.
Is going through a drive-thru a valid test of the HVAC system?
If she had a manual, she could have down shifted to slow down once she realized her brakes failed. #justsayin
FWIW, our HEMTTs and deuces used to break down and get towed all the time, but primarily because, at the time at least, the NG got ancient hand-me-downs from active duty units. Not sure if that is still the case, but the LMTV has been around long enough that the one in the video could just be really really old.
OFFS, this headline is super click-bait-y. Everyone knows TSA has already ruined air travel.
3rd gear. Really trying to understand the need for this. I have 3 kids. Even at my most sleep deprived after #1 was born, I never forgot she was back there, even when she was passed the fuck out.
I don’t think that says what you think it says. Or Google is dumb:
FTFY. No ‘F’ for the Scuderia. #pedantic
The first thing I did was turn off motion controls. I play goofy foot (inverted Y axis) and the default had me motion sick by the end of the tutorial until I could set things up properly. I definitely notice that I’m slower on the maps, but oh well.
Holy shit, there was a 4dr Accord Type R? How the hell did I miss that and how do I find one?