
While Scheele's experiments generated substances which have long since been found to be hazardous, the compounds and elements he used to start his experiments were dangerous to begin with, especially heavy metals. Scheele had a bad habit of sniffing and tasting any new substances he discovered.

Well, either find something that is fun or slowly atrophy.

Don't know where you are, exactly, but Lakeshore is one of the best biking experiences I've had in a city. I used to commute to school from Addison down to Chicago Ave. every morning.

Either you know they're having a bad day or your don't.

Disagree on DB.

The only value the anime provided were a couple of badass fight scenes - it was cool to see the outlines given in the Manga realized.

Sure, but they clowned KU, who won the Big 12, arguably the best or second best conference.

Right, Indiana was the last to COMPLETE the season undefeated. I see a lot of, "Kentucky could be the first team since '76 to go undefeated for the season..."


Unless I had a temporary stroke, I can't imagine I ever argued that Superman was the best anything. He's atrocious, mostly because he seems to have infinite plot power - always developing some new magical, nonsensical ability.

I did say, "more or less" civil.

Do you think commas mean the sentence ends? I assume there's some fundamental misunderstanding or developmental disability keeping you from properly interpreting lists.

Come on, now, don't get grumpy. We disagreed, and despite your repeated, childish efforts at re-writing my argument into something you're more capable of dealing with, it was a more or less civil exchange.

It's like the "Spurs are boring" meme: it takes a good 5-10 years for popular opinion to catch up with actual events.

Fair enough. I hope you get to witness another legendary 53-41 championship game replete with stagnant offense, poor decision making, and over-coaching by some of the most loathsome individuals in sports: college basketball coaches.

In order to take and successfully make a jump shot, one must be better at shooting jump shots (catch and release more quickly, create space more effectively, shoot more accurately) in the NBA than NCAA. To be more effective at defense, one must posses greater athletic skills and/or knowledge of the system (where is

Good lord, dude, try reading my posts. I don't really care if you find it more entertaining or enjoy it more, I think that's weird, but whatever. Those are value judgments, obviously. My argument is that it is a higher level of competition and the quality of basketball (more skill, more talent, more refinement, more

Look, I don't know how else to say this: Russell Westbrook is an infinitely better basketball player now than when he was at UCLA. As an athlete, he's roughly the same, maybe a little stronger, a little faster...more or less the same, though. The difference is that he's drastically more skilled, his game has improved.

So what's the difference? They're the same players. Most of the NBA is composed of former college players?

Necessary vs. Sufficient. Incredible athleticism is a necessary component of the highest level of NBA competition (with very rare exceptions), it is not sufficient.