
The Christian thing is relevant for the hypocrisy: they preach "charity," but are often assholes that take advantage of others.

This is an interesting article by a restaurant owner who eliminated tipping in one of his places:

I'll star that for the acid trip. I didn't like that they turned Grimlock into idiotic comic relief. When he first appeared, he was menacing as hell, just loosely affiliated with the Autobots, but you got the sense that he could and would turn on them at any time. He was a stunningly complicated sort of character for

Right, but then you just have a collection of stories, the meaning of which is subject to the whims of the time. Certainly better from a moral perspective, but it does make one wonder why those stories have any more importance than anything else.

The last five years or so have been pretty stunning - the atheist "community" has revealed an incredible number of glibertarian assholes in its midst, so believe me, I'm much happier to break bread with liberal/progressive believers than regressive atheists.

Truly, he must be the first person who right about one thing and wrong about another.

Eh, this got boring.

Your primitive preferences are yours; expanding them into a normative definition, however, is where the misogyny lies.

Perhaps you should reread the first sentence of the last post.

Didn't say there was anything wrong with the women. The guys, however, that say shit like you...

Greta Van Sustere & Meygn Kelly are respected journalist and honored graduates with prestigious law degrees, but to you they're just eye candy for old crusty white segregationist. Sad..& ironicly sexist.

Paragraph 4 if you believe the media and individual cultivates preferences together, then what is the purpose of you repeatedly saying how the veiwer has no alternative but Fox News & their "Hot Blonds". Did you forget about other networks competing with Fox?

"Wrong! WRONG! dead Wrong There are multiple media outlets that cater to People of color. MSNBC, Fox Business and CNN all have black lead anchors. Stop the victimology crap. There is black represtation on the news. YOU LIE."

Not true in that scenario:

The police have a long and storied history of being tragically wrong in these situations.

Look, the point at which this changes is when he's headed to her house, for whatever stated reason. He has no business doing that, and regardless of his intent, that's the point at which intervention needs to take place.

Makes much more sense.

"Because you're over inflating the problem to the point of suggesting that individual's at Fox News are responsible for the stagnation of the African American community."

Because the "market forces" you express are alternatively incoherent and so thoroughly vague that they're meaningless. I do have a great deal of trouble accepting such gibberish.