
There are some tricks to drastically cut down on the number of games you need to play by resetting the system until you get the prize you need, but yeah, that shouldn't be necessary. I never did lose a game though using only the Aurochs, Wakka, and Tidus., with manual movement and Jecht shot you can always power

All the up-votes.

Cuck is great to use against any guy who hasn't achieved the level of sexual success that they imagined they would have had now ten years ago. Which is 98% of all guys.

1218% more or 1318% of the rate, not 1318% more.
Ie 1:1 is 0% more or 100% of the rate.

FFX totally held up for me when I played the PS4 version this summer. Do check out FFX-2. Its a polarizing game, but I had a lot of fun with it and thought the side stories about life in a reborn world were great. The main plot isn't great, but it's only about 15% of the game.

My biggest issue with KoA:Reckoning was that it spread a pretty good game over too many quests. I'd recommend the Main, Faction, and DLC quests as the best. There are some good side quests but way too many of them are generic and doing them ruins the pace, causes you to be overleveled, and get repetitious.

This publication schedule seems really at odds with the pacing of the story. Its like dividing a single TV episode into 10 parts and watching them one per week.

What happened there? I watch the Nostalgia Critic videos and watched N. Chick when she was on the platform but I never got on the forums so I missed out on any drama.The site did seem like it got bigger then smaller at some point but I don't know why.

They are devices for the rapid combustion of ping pong balls.

I'm always disappointed when I find out that a catchy family guy musical number isn't an original piece.

Kenny was frequently abrasive but he also felt like my best, if deeply flawed, ally. When others dithered or complained he worked to get things going like when he fixed the truck. When the others stole that truck it really pissed me off and brought me closer to Kenny. We also saw eye to eye on that kid Arvo. Arvo

There is some EU wankery about aether to explain why the fighter ships all move like they are in an atmosphere.

It you ever read the campusreform website it does make a pretty good case for there being some truly crazy/sensitive/selfishly-entitled elements on the left (especially on college campuses), but I also see plenty of real discrimination and intolerance in this country that we should be working to reduce.

PS2 Shinobi is one of my top PS2 games (and I have ~100). It leaves out a lot of things you might expect to see in a 3rd person action game like a upgrade system and complex move set and replaces them with a very fast and flowing character who must keep moving to survive. Normally more is better, but I think Shinobi

Well ok, the discus tells me to be the first to comment and I obey?

If I cant enjoy playing games it's usually because I need more sleep and after a nap I find them much more fun or realize that I just don't want to play that particular game. I don't really have chance to play too many hours in a week though so I don't know if I can burn out that way.

960 should be about 70% faster than the 750 Ti. I might go for the 4GB version since some newer games don't scale well to smaller RAM buffers. Alternately used 770s (2 and 4 GB) are going for about the same price as used 960s and are faster. You could also stretch to a used 970 at ~$235 since people are selling

I don't think ME 3 is available anywhere other than Origin. Its partly why I still haven't gotten around to it. The other part is the crazy high DLC prices for old Bioware DLC.

I think its better, item interactions happen much more interestingly especially with the afterbirth dlc.

Yeah, I don't enjoy when a puzzle relies on combinatoral explosion to generate its difficulty. For one thing, it ends up feeling like all other combinatoral puzzles and any unique elements fade away and for another it's just a pain to solve since it ends up being 99% rote work and 1% fun puzzling.