
I think that in the books, (UHHHGG) there can be intra-seasonal variations that look like the start of winter and the masters use collect data from enough areas so that they predict winter sooner than others.

Just assume that Ghost is around but he blends into the white background too well.

I don't know. The face masks and face changing seem like they might just be a closely held trade secret rather than power direct from the god.
Alternately, the faceless god might be perfectly happy with Aria's interpretation of doctrine.

I think its ok for these to get posted with minimal editing. There are no screeners and they need to get it up as soon as possible after the show airs.

Card catalogue.

Well Qyburn, might still be playing a deeper game and bumped off Pycell to prevent him from speaking out against him. I don't know what that deeper game is though, working with Varys? Working for a splinter faction of Maesters?

That scene in Dorne should have been placed in episode 8 or so.

The sea is pretty narrow and we don't really have a timeline on how long Daenerys spent re-fitting the fleet and stabilizing Merieen but yeah without some indication of time it feels like the different stories are all taking place within a few days of each other and seeing Varys was jarring.

Especially since the Tyrell army is probably in excellent shape and, although the core family died, there are probably plenty of 2nd tier Tyrells back at Highgarden. The Lannister levys are probably exhausted, their last harvest before winter has been skipped, and they don't really have any leaders left for the day to

I wonder if Jon can. Being dead seems like it might affect fertility.

Well in the books she is taught how by the faceless men so she can use one on an assignment. I guess we can assume they taught her, but hadn't cleared her to use them yet in the TV universe.

I wish they had made the father explicit and skipped the whispering BS. At this point there isn't really any room for doubt over who the father is and returning to the tower would feel perfunctory.

Possibly he is worried that they won't unite under Sansa.

or another Cersi, devious and power hungry but lacking in real leadership capabilities.

He really did do a great job of making Lore and Data feel like two different people. I would swear he actually did have an evil twin.

I think Walder just died of old age in the books. Unlike some of the other between chapter deaths, I think that one actually happened the way people think it did.

And I plan to use that comment in my amazon review of this movie's DVD release.

I read a pretty compelling theory on another site. We didn't have a POV on Balon's death in the books and only heard about it second hand. He probably was killed by a faceless man hired by Euron

Its cool, they probably aren't brother and sister anyway, just 1st cousins.

Was this a one off joke video or is this actually a thing?