
Walder is a sour ass, but in the books, he was very committed to family unity. I think that got brought into the show at some point. Also, its another failed attempt to marry into a royal family and remember what he did last time.

I think the three lords Ramsay listed would all be far more likely to try and take power themselves or support another house instead of following Ramsay. He's done nothing to inspire confidence, love, or fear in northern lords and outside of a small clique of sadists he doesn't have any men at arms who are personally

I knew they were going to do the deep gasp when he came back but I wish they didn't. He should have opened his eyes and sat up but remained un-breathing. The resurrected don't seem to be completely returned to life. Their wounds don't heal and they don't seem to need food.

I think Melisandre's leach ritual was a clever distraction. She was able to foresee the three deaths in the flames and then performed the ritual to take credit for them. When she really wanted to kill someone she had to do the whole shadow baby thing and it wasn't something she was planning on repeating in the

The first game did not age well. The 2nd and 3rd hold up great but the first one had some big issues that bugged me when I replayed it recently. A lot of late game enemies have huge HP but only a few of your weapons do a lot of damage. You run out of ammo for them way too quickly. The lack of a strafe was also

Really? Good on the makeup/SFX people then. Way better than the old man makeup in Prometheus and that had a much higher budget.

I envy the commenting community here a bit. I'll make the occasional comment, but it seems like I'm always arriving around the time the conversation is ending. Still, since I am not a unique flower, I usually find someone has posted what I was going to say anyway.

"if I get a chance to do them, I’ll do them." That's true for a lot of authors, but you're not supposed to say it out loud.

I thought this show was super-popular. What happened to get it canceled with short notice?

People deliberately invading other communities to troll them is a problem.

Hey I don't like your semi-amature critical commentary on that old anime show. Get off the internet.

When people want to create a safe space, they often demand that other assist them in this and want to create extremely large safe spaces on what were previously open platforms. Someone can create a internet forum as a safe space for a group of like-minded individuals where the responsibility for censoring posts and

Lex Flippin Luthor.

Those ads are there to punish you for not subscribing. Any advertising effectiveness is quickly reversed by the infinite repetition. If I ever see an O'rilley auto parts I will burn it down.

It was good! People always forget it because it didn't have a big marketing push when it came out.

Or worse, infested by Rob Zombie.

I don't think a unreliable junky asshole would be any more use during the apocalypse than he was before. Some skills like farming, hunting, military skills would obviously become even more useful. but the most successful groups would probably have lot of use for technological trained people who could keep power,

No, all nuke plants in America are failsafe even if abandoned in mid operation. Additionally, it only takes a single worker hitting the scram button on his way out to shut down the reactor. As long as the cooling system keeps working for about 2 hours after scram, then the reactor will reach a state where it is

Season finale: "The Dickesode"

Government A.F. who tell ongoing lies about "everything's fine" is pretty common in reality. "Command and Control" by Schlosser details a lot of nuclear accident coverups that only really came out decades later. Before it became clear that they didn't have enough national support the Ferguson PD had a go at silencing