
It feel's like the mom and the daughter keep getting mad at the dad for failing to fix the national crisis after a week and for helping the neighbors survive at the expense of a little discomfort for his own family. It's really grating. The dad's problem is that he keeps trying to keep people calm by telling them

But do we need to correct these 3 people more gently and bring them around or are their views and terminology acceptable?

With decent timing the cape does allow Mario to gain altitude,

Why would that be illegal?

The generating plants may still be fine, but when something it the fails it can unbalance other parts of the grid that then shut down and so on.

"I'm going to deliver every line in a breathless whine/shout that makes it clear that attempting to talk with me or even incorporate my concerns into the plan is a pointless act." "Why haven't you fixed everything yet? I whined about it two hours ago!"

Might have been a small vineyard.

Hi I'm Alicia. I'm just the worst person in the world. At everything.

The Katrina crisis was handled pretty badly in New Orleans. It was surprising how quickly people divided up into groups that didn't work well with each other.
In a big crisis there can be a negative feedback cycle where the trust between the armed authorities and various economic classes can break within a few days.

On TV the only difference between the pretty girl and the homely girl is the that the homely girl's hair is a darker color.

I listened to the audiobooks and it took me forever to realize that wights wasn't just short for white walkers.

OK, I dug out my copy of the comic and looked. When Hershel and Rick are arguing over whether the walkers should be killed or kept in a barn, Hershel uses the z word. I think its happened at least a few other times.

Perhaps the virus when spread in the air still has a significant mortality rate. After a few days only the people left had enough resistance that it takes a bite to allow the infection to really set in. It would help explain how the sickness ramped up so fast that police and the military couldn't deal with it.

It's been said in the comics a few times.

If all three kids make it to the end of the season, I think my head will explode. I think its rarely good to physically discipline children, but when a kid is behaving in a way that might get them killed and is refusing to listen then I think corporal punishment is called for.
Those circumstances are pretty rare in

Drug addicts are annoying and tiring in real life. Its hard to make them endearing on film but it is possible. I found the addicts in A Scanner Darkly to be interesting protagonists. But I think that underneath the drugs, the kid is another excessively surly TV teenager.

I think the Walking Dead comic (which had the same opening) was written before 28 Days Later came out.

They both feature children that I pray are killed off.

I frequently watch let's plays for games I have already beat. I enjoy seeing how someone else responds to the game and compare their reactions to my own.
