
Yes, it really was surprising how bad that pilot was considering that Carter has worked on much better shows.

I can imagine smaller conspiracy's within the government composed of mostly non-elected officials and a few key senators that operate very effectively. They aren't concerned with the screw ups of the general government but with implementing key policies that enrich themselves and protect their powers.

But that amazon pilot he did was so amazing. It really surprised me.

I couldn't finish that. GAH.

I could barely finish the Assassin's Quest series, it started ok but the last book was awful. I just don't see the case for Hobb's books being objectively better than Martin's.

It was better when the bible could be interpreted for the lay by the clergy.

Her twitter responses are a part of her overall body of work on the Harry Potter series.

That's not what I said. People follow the laws for lots of reasons and lethal force isn't the only punishment of last resort. However, if someone refuses to accept the punishments they are given it escalates. If they don't pay their taxes they are given a fine. If they refuse to pay the fine they are sentenced to

Glen's arc seems done. He is comfortable with who he is now and stable enough that he improves situations rather than making them worse.

Her behavior makes a sad kind of sense, but Rick really should be better at dealing with this kind of thing.

Clem leads her settlement in an invasion of Alexandria.

The more they incorporate from the comics the better the show seems to do. It gives them a chance to take a story that worked before and tweek it with the benefit of audience reaction.

I think they were still human when they were tied to that tree.

I felt like the show communicated to the audience that this guy was pretty bad. His kid was looking to kill him.

The nature of writing recaps (watch, write, then post within a hour or two of air) makes me more forgiving of errors in these TV club articles.

Season 2, making all other season look comparatively brilliant.

The threat of lethal force (sanctioned by community consent) is ultimately what backs up a lot of law and order. Ruling it out leaves them powerless to enforce more minor punishments like forcing the guy to move or exiling him.

That tree seemed like a really bad idea. One errant glance and they are trapped.

Rick is a kinda shitty cop. He must have dealt with domestics before, but he completely fails to control volatile situations.

6v6 gives you no useful information. One side will be down and you wont know why,