
The only way they will ever announce RDR for PC is if I breakdown and buy it for the PS3.

After finishing a 100 hour game of XCOM: Long War, its time for plate cleansers. I'm in the mood for short narrative driven games and easy to pickup arcady games so I've installed The Walking Dead S2 and Cubetractor. Both seem pretty good so far.
With The Walking Dead S2 I find my self being much less kind than in

That's not a CRAZY fanfic. Its been used as an offical plot in TOS and ENT.

He's not dead yet, don't go starting rumors.

Does the DVD have the original soundtrack? It seemed like a lot of shows from this era didn't bother to secure the DVD rights for the licensed music and had to replace the music with more generic stuff.

I though they were making another season. Very sad now.

Whenever I play a game trailer I skip the first 30 seconds. Its practically always splash screens or text on a black background. I don't know why trailer makers think its a good idea to waste the first 30 seconds of a 90 second video on this.

Piper went, but it was closed down. She just didn't have the heart to tell Red.

I thought about the sex offender aspect too. If he gets convicted he will never get a good job again, won't be allowed near a lot of places, and might not even be allowed to be alone with his own child. Confessing is a terrible idea.

Hey! I resemble that remark.

I hope not, I don't want a redeemed Ward.

The MPAA (voluntary) rating system is designed to give parents a way to judge if the content in a movie is suitable for their children. Its included in advertisements because of concerns that a child might be quickly effected by seeing disturbing images or situations or might begin repeating curse words after hearing

That sounds like a fine idea for a movie review website that people can visit if they want to.

They get big in book five. Big enough to eat people and be ridden.

Harley was never not sexy.

I think women were adequately represented in Moon. It just wasn't a movie about women.

You can advertise your way to high sales numbers, but it costs a lot of money. It can lead to games selling 4 million copies and still being financial failures.

More importantly, will Archer have his name tattooed on Abbiejean's back?

The conversation between Mallory and the CIA agent makes it pretty certain that Archer wasn't in on the plan. If he had been then there would have been no reason for the CIA agent to show up at the house and plant the idea that they should sell the drugs in South America.

Or Ward/Fitz or Fitz/Skye anything with a little spice instead of the bland obvious pairings of Fitz/Simmons and Ward/Skye.