
If they were going to do a Fitz and Simmons pairing, I would prefer it be a mutual thing rather than some long, dragging, will they won't they, tons of temporary complications b.s..

Well there wouldn't be. What with Obliviate and such.

Clearances can be a big issue in small cases. Some cases only support half height height cards like……
I don't recommend these cards as they are fairly underpowered and all mid-range and better cards are full size.
The good news is that many miniATX cases support

I would like a sequel to The Last of Us in a few years. There are a lot of different directions they could take with it and I think there is potential in most of them. Ideas:
The camp attracts too many plant zombies and fails. Quarantine zone camps prove unsustainable as well as the last of pre-apocalypse supplies

I backed the KS and have been getting updates on it. Short of WWIII starting, its definitely coming out.

I thought We Love Katamari was a pretty great follow up. It added new mission types, shined up the graphics a bit, improved the controls, and upped the variety of locations. After Katamari Damacy was a surprise hit We Love Katamari was the developer's chance to remake the game with more time and money and I think it

Or you can use the dolphin emulator to play it on PC.

I don't know what the game over screen for Okami looks like. Between healing items, regenerating shields, and auto revive potions, the player usually has around a thousand effective hit-points in a game where messing up and taking damage usually inflicts around 5 damage.

Shadows plot is meant to open to interpretation, but you can make a very strong case for ICO being a distant sequel. The god from Shadow couldn't be killed (its why they went through all the trouble to bind it to the statues then abandon the land) and the little sword ritual at the end of Shadow isn't likely to bind

Yeah that was a terrible suggestion by the reviewer. Adding action or suspense set pieces would have only made the movie feel more generic. Drawing out the mysteries would have only made Sam Rockwell's character seem stupid and annoyed the audience.

They do, but three years is exactly one "a long time" and its not close to being finished.

Time pressure? ADWD came out 3 years ago. Whatever pressure there is, time is not the cause.

God I wish they would. That character was death to plot momentum.

My god owlman Ive reached the end of this board. I cant believe I read the whole thing.

My mouse sensitivity is set so high its hard for me to move the cursor that slowly.

I think you mean Neal and he is pretty charming.

Right? Loading in more comments seems to slow my browser down significantly and I have a great PC.

You would eventually get a commutation or something.

Once I hit 6th grade I was desperate to not have my parents show up for my soccer games.

Indie art rock with lyrics straight out of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign.