
He was a pretty friendly guy and given his penchant for helping people in trouble I can see him being owed a lot of favors.

Both names are puns! You can't get more ridiculous than that.

Along the same lines. In our world, killers don't often escape from maximum security prisons or death row. On the rare occasions they do the police really don't try that hard to bring them in alive. In the DC universe they would adapt some sort of two strikes law. If a killer escaped and killed again they would be

"Sorry commissioner. I had to kill the Joker when he tried to escape." And no one would ever question that story. Hell, given his track record of killing his guards and escaping its pretty much self defense.

But how many people live in New York? It's not a big dating pool.

I needed to play some kingdom rush before going to sleep and the charger is on the other side of the room.

I assumed he was bitching about Supernatural's overuse of in media res.

I'm ok with people being props in stories. It's ok to have a character serve a functional purpose but not be developed. This happens all the time with characters like "dead parents who motivate protagonist," "runner who finds body," "jerk who just wants to enjoy his 5 minute break instead of talking to cops," and

As a child, I genuinely believed that high school classes lasted 4 minutes. It seemed odd to me, but that's how every show portrayed them.

Lots of cool people give things up to work for Pitchfork.

Is it realistic for a super buff guy like Terry Crews to be able to lift the back half of a car?


I like the idea of having awards for portraying specific emotions.

In the real world there are forms of encryption which have never been broken even though it would be hugely profitable for any criminal who managed to do it. On TV any encryption can be broken by one person in half an hour. One wonders why anyone bothers to encrypt anything.

"but it felt kind of like when LaForge said "jive" on TNG"
Did that actually happen? I've seen most of the episodes twice (skipped some S1 eps) and I never noticed that.

The sawed in half look is just how everyone in his species looks naturally.

Clearly, when someone is in pain the ER doctors should just kill them.

It really was murder. When you break into a building you don't get to claim self defense when you shoot the security guards.

A lot of modern handguns will cock the gun as part of the trigger pull. Manually cocking the hammer reduces the trigger force.

People pay for high bandwidth connections so they can stream video. Comcast charges a lot for connection fast enough to stream HD video then acts shocked when people use that connection to stream HD videos.