
Its a stressful situation and most normal people aren't that good on TV without some practice. Take a popular personable person and put them in front of a camera. Instant dork.

Michael Jordan, duh.

It would have been easy for the producers to change the rules to prevent this strategy from being used if they had ever wanted to in the 60 years it has been on.
There are some cases where its possible to violate the spirit of a game or sport while not violating the letter of the rules, but this isn't one of them.

Jeez, Event Horizon got a 35? I thought it had some real strengths despite a few problems. It still gets talked about 16 years later so it must have done something right.

I think Dewey's big plan was to put his two cousins up against Boyd in the hope that they either get killed or get into a position where they have to leave town.

I don't see why they can't just delay the Olympics until after the season ends. NBC already shows it on tape delay.

So many copyright claims, so many moments lost in time like tears in the rain.

I downvote all comments that use the word downvote, I really wish they would take the option out. All it does is derail conversations.

Which series would you recommend then? I love high fantasy but I have trouble finding good ones. I still like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones but most of the other popular series I have tried I ether hated or read until they got bad or repetitive. I've read
good or ok: Discworld, Codex Aleria, The Magicians,

Open world games are a buffet. Attempting to eat some of everything is unnecessary. Take as much as you actually want from the trays you enjoy the most.

I used to 100% pretty much every game I liked enough to beat once but I was forever broken of my 100% habit by Rogue Galaxy. It's a PS2 rpg with several insanely terrible sidequests. After spending over 100 hours on two of them I realized that to to finish them all might take 1000 hours and that I had long since

They really havent found a voice like the old guard had. Except for AA Dowd. I can recognize an Dowd review without reading the byline.

I think the comment system ate my post, so apologies if this ends up as a dbl post.

I downvote all comments that include the word downvote. Including this one.

On TDS tonight Louis C.K. told the audience to stop using up his time by clapping. It was fantastic.

I haven't played it yet, but I plan to check it out at some point. I found one of the creator's previous games, an advergame called "Skrillex Quest," to be inspired. The game was too crazy to really support complex mechanics but it had a great little story and world.
It's a free web game at

I noticed that too during the season premiere. I think they need to take a second crack at it.

Sound a bit like Vampire Diaries.

Yeah, it threw me too. I guess she is a 20 year old widow.

So its like Mario Kart now?