
Sony had some pretty great exclusives during the ps2 & 3 eras. Ratchet, Sly, Jak, Infamous, Resistance, Final Fantasy, and God of War were all pretty great

I really like the addition of the critic's name under the review titles on the main page. It makes it easier to skip some the reviews from incompatible critics.

Hacking is always ridiculously easy in TV shows. I wish they wouldn't lean on it so much in SHEILD.

I imagine that Ron and Hermione had all these positive friendly interactions off-screen since the narrative usually stuck with Harry. I figure that when they were alone together he must have made her laugh and feel special, because without something like that their relationship really doesn't make much sense.

Well most people call a couple successful when one of them dies before they can break up. So I guess we can call that one a win.

The scariest movie I ever saw was "Ernest Scared Stupid." I was just old enough to understand the movie and just young enough to still have trouble disconnecting from fantasy. Re-watching many years later I can only laugh at myself.
More recently, I found the c-section scene in Prometheus to be truly harrowing but

They implied that clearing the zombies is a major task that requires a large team to work on it daily. The math doesn't really work for that, but I just go with it.

Yeah Carl made the smart call then, Hershel was going to get them killed.

My guess is that, like the mouths of some lizards, a zombies mouth is filled with a large amount of bacteria and their accumulated toxins. When they bite a human the damaged area becomes infected and blood flow to the bite is prevented. Without blood-flow the immune system is unable to fight the zombie virus a large

Yeah, you don't need to practice killing your father, it's a one time thing.

In the same episode we also have faith being used to steal peoples bodies from them. In the supernatural world, faith and religion are equivalent to Nigerian Prince e-mails and MLM scams.

10 People X 4 hours/day X 1 zombie/5 minutes = 480 zombies/day. That should be working, but in the show it isn't.

I remember an authors note where he ridiculed the notion of writers block. (Paraphrased from memory) "Writers write. Just sit down and fill pages because that's your job" After reading the 3rd or 4th Incarnations book I decided that he really needed to learn how to get writers block. He used up all his interesting

So I can suffer through Prometheus again only this time it will be without the amazing visuals that soften the blow and the one truly fantastic scene from the movie?

@avclub-66f0eb7a6d8ee7b11c8bf8f1100bfede:disqus Like Hiro or Peter on Heroes, Squirrel Girl is tough to write for due to her powers.  She could resolve many problems with little trouble and would make many of the other hero's powers feel redundant or useless.  I would still like her as a guest star anyway. 

So Coulson is Thor in disguise!

Ok the first three episodes then, I remember the one where they have to keep jumping every few hours as being pretty good as was the initial miniseries.

I would also argue that season 1 of BSG is fairly self contained.  If you watch the first season you won't find out if they make it to earth, but other than that there aren't a lot of unanswered questions or incomplete plot threads. When they start adding that stuff about magic resurrection, angels, and cyclons

Launched a successful ketchup brand and is now a millionaire living in Kansas City.