
"I don't want you to feel guilty about anything, you hear me?" My mind immoderately continued "Other than all the murders of course.  Obviously you should feel guilty about those, oh and the time you got your wife killed, and the innocent guy you beat to death for yelling at you, and …."

Open endings are for art films and short stories.  TV series need to finish off their long arcs dammit.

Deb was skinny and would have high density. Also I think the lungs fill up with water removing one of the buoyant forces that keep living people on the surface.

It's not weird.  That was the tensest part of the episode for me.  I couldn't believe it when they just ignored that.

I think she is just going to dump him with his grandparents. 

Goodbye whores.

But is that really a favor to Skyler? Marie is so annoying.

Whatt? Dana didn't really have an interesting story arc, but she was super supportive of terry and very tolerant of him always working. 

I still quote this line.  No one else recognizes it, but that's ok because it's still fun to say.

I think the Hawk and Dove episode proved that the answer to that question is yes.  But I don't think there were any real duds in the 2nd and 3rd seasons. 

@avclub-27cfbacd15f9f065fe110f7cfcf7ea5f:disqus Once you strongly suspect Clark of being Superman, it's trivial to check.  Lois could just take a pair of scissors and try to cut a lock of his hair.  Prick him with a pin, expose him to green kryptonite, or provoke him with a lead lined box that you claim has gold

I think that bench is the best part of the season.

I liked his last scene, he really sold it.

If it's hot shorts aren't uncommon, we have lab coats for when we need to cover up.

I know an older Polish woman who can speak and read Russian.  While she will read scientific papers in Russian she refuses to use it conversationally and gave the Russian tech the cold shoulder when she tried to talk to her in it. 

It seems reasonable to have some people in prison be nasty, selfish, dumb and unsympathetic. 

Yeah the author seems to desire all characters to have arcs and significant screen time.  It seems to have become a common criticism of creative works.  When reoccurring female characters are used to fulfill narrative functions its argued that to not give them their own arc, development and chance to be a protagonist

I love to follow Walter's story and don't really have an interest in seeing more of Skyler than we do already.  Skyler can be a nag and often fails to act rationally or with much agency when faced with problems.  I think this can make her less fun to watch.  Morally she is a good person stuck in a bad situation

I find it pr pretty easy to deal with others going on rapturously about something that you see little value in.  I do it all the time by not watching things, not clicking on articles and not commenting on them.  Unless, I guess, your S.O. is a crazy fan of something you don't like.

A shot at Event Horizon, how dare you sir!  I'll point out that despite its flaws it made enough of an impact to be remembered 16 years later.