
It's not the grade it's the written review that's the problem.  In his review he seems to be using a very strange set of standards for what sci-fi movies are allowed to be.

Can we ask for his editor to have a performance review meeting with A.A. Dowd? Cause this was just a poor quality review.

@marksoc Yeah that can be true but it doesn't mean there are no people who can be genuinely described as contrarians.  As this comment proves. 

I don't want to be mean but this was a really badly written review. Dowd just doesn't seem to understand fiction, a pretty big flaw for a movie reviewer.  AVClub, you don't have to fire Dowd but don't let him write anything anymore.  Hire someone else to do movie reviews.

Yeah, now I see it.

Based on the montage of ex-girlfriend photos in Batman Beyond, I would say they did. 

Yeah it's pretty likely that the moppets did kill 24.  They were the ones with access to the remote detonator.

@avclub-88df39f47b22f30e7bd642ad0350c631:disqus At least GRRM is somewhat excused by the length of his books.  They are about 3-4x longer than a medium length novel.  These VB seasons are so short!

Two things. The point of the pins on a prize wheel is to separate the wedges and make it clear where the pointer lands.  This show had them in the middle. 
Also I think it would be fun if the next episode started with Dr Venture's funeral.  A 500+ pound ball did fall right on him and smashed the floor.  It could turn

CBS finally picked up the Watchmen SatAM cartoon series for a 12 episode season.

It's always been tease I think.  I re-watched S1 recently and didn't notice anyone calling her cocktail. 

But perhaps the double-cross is only a distraction for the triple agent.

Yeah they need to unreliable character that retcon.

My freshman roommate in college had a kinda generic face.  When meeting him outside the context of the room I frequently didn't know who he was for the first few months.

I'm with you.  It might not end up the healthiest relationship, but there isn't anything I object to so strongly that I would condemn their relationship as abusive or doomed to fail.  Barbra even became batgirl on her own. 

I think that having people like superman criticize batman for not asking for help is a mistake by the writers.  It draws attention to a major plot hole in the DCU.  Superman can fly over and x-ray an entire city so  quick visit by superman, supergirl, or one of the many lanterns would solve many of the cases worked by

I think this is one of those shared superhero universe things that shouldn't be looked at too closely for the sake of the stories each individual title wants to tell.  Kinda like how the villains keep getting out of prison.  In the real world the USA deals pretty finally and quickly with people like Bin Laudin and the

York City?

This has to bee much cheaper to make than Mad Men.  Two guys do half of the jobs on the show. 

Mance was bluffing.  He just found a large giants horn.  Jon and Sam found a old horn that didn't make a sound with the dragon glass at the fist of the first men.  Its only a guess but I think it may be the horn of winter, no one has tried  blowing it near the wall yet.