
A lot of politicians use similarly decorated campaign buses, it's just that Palin's recently got a lot of screen time. 

I'm 3 episodes in and I don't find myself enjoying it much. With the exception of the kids it seems like everyone has gotten a little more pathetic and sad from the show. It feels like the next step for most of the characters is conviction and jail, overdose, or real homelessness.  Even Michael has gone downhill.  He

They need to do a TVClub entry on this episode.

You need to do a review of the Amy's Baking Company episode that just aired. 

Girl-Fro is fantastic.  Shush.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus I'm just trying to explain where these insecurities can come from. Of course a decent person tries not to let their insecurities show and doesn't take them out on other people.  In some of my social circles most of the men have been over 6'1" and having experienced this

GRRM lying to fans to seem plausible enough.  There has been enough going on with the westerlings that it would seem odd for their story to be done with already. 
Also TV show Talisa is totally working for Tywin,  they keep including scenes where she is writing letters and he is receiving letters in the same episode. 

In general men don't like to be thought of, or think of themselves as small.  Being short (which also often means less physically capable) isn't the worst disability a guy can have, but he will catch some grief for it while growing up and will tend to receive less respect in social situations.  It isn't a ironclad

Yeah Crowley occasionally hits on the Winchesters.

Reanimating her was just such a terrible idea. Idiot demons are a dime a dozen these days. 

Gotta agree with you on that.  It felt silly in a bad way and didn't really fit into the shows standing mythology well.

I thought they did a good job with the blue dimension noise.  They kept its volume down and used distortion of the crews voices to communicate how loud the noise was to them.  It seemed like the noise must have been hell for them but didn't really bother the home audience so much.  

I was always partial to original Ruby.

OK you gotta fill it in for me. What never happened?

It might not work,  in long term coma cases the brain can wither away and Cas might not be able to remake a brain that is gone.  They had the nurse say something to that effect.  I think they might have been trying to eliminate the possibility of any resurrection.  On the other hand, they have created new bodies and

I like Day, but I still kinda want them to kill off Charlie someday.  That's just the shows thing and at this point it feels weird when they don't clean up all the side characters.

Yeah, wow. It is surprising just how awful Brickleberry is. 

Tasty, big boned. 

I think a SG-1 review could work.  The show doesn't do much character development per episode but the sci-fi premises of many episodes would be fun to discuss. I also really love s9 and s10 and would enjoy debating their worth.

How big was the federation and how long would it take to travel from one end to the other? This was a big point of waffle in all of the Star Treks.