Mr. Martini

these are delightful. thank you sir.

totally! These are making me so happy.

Raise your hand if you want to read some AJA scribed erotic fiction!

You matter here. Come get a hug.

What the- What the fuck Nintendo! You are a bunch of liars! bah gross!

I know what you mean. I assumed Nintendo was better than this.

I wonder if it has to do with the relative increase in profitability of indie games. Developers may be crafting their ideas to sound better in elevator pitches, which means they need to be explained in a single sentence, which leads to the "it's like (popular game) but with (new mechanic) and set in (new setting)".

So the digest has sent me down a food recipe rabbit hole and I stumbled across this, which seems right up your alley…

Oh this will be fun:

Speaking of absurd food decadence (but in a good way) everyone should check out the burgers on this site Don't be dissuaded by the url, it is SFW and amazing.

anytime buddy.

Sam is also right about putting it into smoothies. Frozen blueberries, a bit of maple syrup, some spinach, cashew butter and almond milk makes a delightful breakfast smoothie.

John you are killing me. Cashew butter is not a direct substitute for peanut butter, it can't be swapped in place of peanut butter in snacks or sandwiches. Sunflower butter, by the way, is a dynamite direct substitute for peanut butter.

Thanks for the recommendation, I've been meaning to read that for a while. I'll move it up the list and let you know when I finish it.

I'll be at the Games For Change Conference if any intrepid gameological commenter would like to abandon their internet mask and say hi.

You are on the right track through. A lot of education has become so abstracted from the real world that kids don't understand the applicability of what they are learning. Taking real world problems (like fuel composition equations) and putting them into media that engages kids on their own terms (like Super Crash

I bought a 3DS for Link Between Worlds and the Professor Layton games, and have not regretted the decision at all. If ALttP was your favorite Zelda you will love A Link Between Worlds.

I am a media producer for PBS in Wisconsin. I'm interested in incorporating more interactives and games into our educational projects, so I am always on the lookout for things like Super Crash Planet. Nice comment this week by the way.

awesome. thanks friend.