Mr. Martini

How did you come across Super Crash Planet? I do that sort of stuff for work and I'd love to know a good place to look for stuff like that.

I was raised on Super Metroid, so I am definitely biased, but I think the first two Metroid Prime games are really magnificent.

awesome. thanks buddy.

Which one of the series is your favorite? I want to give one a try.

Did that diminish sales for the sequels? I wonder why more franchises don't take this approach.

I bet this would apply to Dark Souls too.

I feel like the Metroid Prime series had such awesome atmosphere that if a game could recreate that then it would be a far more legitimate sequel than something like Other M.

I got a question for y'all. It looks like most of us are justifying the need for a sequel based on the story of the original game. Have there been games that nail a particular aesthetic or set of mechanics so well that those characteristics define the game more than the story? If so have any direct sequels (not the

That post has irrevocably changed my perception of the Mushroom Kingdom. From this day forward I will forever think of that floating cameraman as the video game Ernie Pyle….

Are you Andy Zaltzman?

"The 3 Tenors are reuniting for a single performance of Carmen! I'm driving to get a ticket right now!"

I'd love to get involved if we try again. Maybe it would help if we broke down our production into discreet prototypes for small teams to work on. For example, we could use to really quickly build a mock up of the story branches. Check out of video of it here…

I traded my last blanket for a iphone 5 power adapter.

Thank you esteemed sir or madam. Now I am better informed and we had a pleasant exchange. So much better than googling.

I think the rapture is included in mentions of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and the final judgement, which I'm pretty sure is represented in renaissance art. I know we could just google this but that is no fun.

I think another reason that zombies stories appeal to modern sensibilities is because they challenge our notion of self-sufficiency.

I have thought about this a lot, and the most realistic answer is that I would be a human pack-mule. All of the things I can do require some product of modern society. In fact it doesn't have to be a full on apocalypse, If just computers disappeared I'd be unemployable.

Stakks you can be arbiter of the Comment Forest, tabulating the inanities we have all scribbled on the bark of redwoods.

people say frogurt?

Did anyone else think the added sound effect for the "digital edition" was a some sort of greasy computer fart? John were you making a robot digest joke?