Mr. Martini

wow these are great.

There are a lot of production type roles that have creative and marketing responsibilities, and keeping the two compartmentalized can be really challenging. I used to be a producer for a company that makes interactive museum exhibits. My job was equal parts project design and client relations. There were many

Did you tell Ryan, or did you let him ignorantly stroll right off the plank?

I agree. I find it delightful.

I also got kind of attached to that crowbar. It was my only true friend out there.

I should really check out the Last of Us, a lot of people have told me that game is great.

Thanks for the info. Metroid had a huge influence on me as a kid, and it really helped me understand that gender and sex don't define people. I got to know Samus as a really awesome person, then after that I found out she was a woman, which made me think "oh, an awesome person can be a man or a woman, it doesn't

well poop then ninja; poop all over the place.

Are video games even moving in the right direction? I'm asking this honestly, I am too out of touch with current games to know.

You should really give it a try, its great.

Yes! honestly Staks your gameological comment game is one of the most exhilarating things in my life right now. I am in your debt.

Speaking of erotic reinterpretations of board games, I suggest you give Erotic Scrabble a try.

thanks buddy. I have been meaning to check that out for a while but I will make a point to get to it soon. I heard great things.

Thanks for sharing. It's good to hear that there is a big variety of outfits and that they are artfully done.

awesome. thanks!

could you point me to some of that research? I'd love to check it out.

You might be right that this is a misguided attempt to appeal to women, but sadly, I think the armor system in this game is more like controlling-a-sexy-woman-to-put-on-the-fetish-gear-of-your choosing rather than playing-dress-up-with-dolls.

It also follows a trend in games where women can be powerful independent characters as long as they are hot . It implies that the foundational characteristic of women is their attractiveness to men. They can be all sorts of other things as long as we want to sleep with them. That sort of shit drives my fiancee crazy.

Growing up I always pointed to FF6 as a counterpoint when people would say that games are substance-less distractions made for adolescent boys. Say what you will about the story, but at least it featured emotional development and asked players to empathize with the female characters. So it seemed clear that the FF