kind of……
kind of……
anytime. If you get a chance to read through it let me know your thoughts.
I think that is what made the exploration in Metroid Prime feel so meaningful.
This is a big reason I love the Metroid Prime games too.
Marginalized groups defining themselves by finding another group to marginalize seems to be a sad part of human nature. It happens in relatively trivial things like geek culture and far more significant stuff, like ethnic or class oppression. The novel White Tiger by Aravind Adiga explores this idea very…
there's only one way to find out friend.
That is a really interesting question. I am only familiar with copyright law in the context of Fair Use Claims for documentary films. That being said, (someone who is more knowledgeable about copyright law should correct me if this is not the case) if you are representing the material for an editorial purpose, an…
I would give you a lot of Kickstarter money for this. Seriously.
You didn't stop to see the steer?
That sounds amazing. I hope they showed each kid the end of The Shining before they entered the maze.
I didn't grow up around corn or hedge mazes, but would have been all over them if I did. The few I have been to as an adult have been disappointingly easy. Have you come across any that actually make you feel like you might get lost in them?
It makes you suspect that it is all some sort of scam to get you within reach of that corn monster.
The midwest has an impressive number of surreal roadside attractions that would feel right at home in an irreverent Lucasarts/Telltale game. Among others, there is a enormous Jolly Green Giant Statue in Blue Earth, Minnesota… and the deeply unsettling Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota h…
If you didn't come to the race in costume, yes.
All the robot snake decapitation may give people pause.
I imagine thousands of people running the course and maybe a handful making it to the end. But think of the glory. There would be so much glory.
Any runners or rowers should try listening to Bit Brigade's Mega Man 2 album during their next workout. Because if you are Mega Man, your robot legs just keep going.
I think Legend of Mana was the only big SNES I didn't play. How does the gameplay compare to Chrono Trigger?
Good choices. Zora's domain was swinging. I loved jumping off the high waterfall there.
Hey that makes me think of a fun question! Which video game village would you live in?