I only looked it up on Wikipedia, so I suppose the truth is somewhere in the middle. xD
I only looked it up on Wikipedia, so I suppose the truth is somewhere in the middle. xD
The Cutlass Ciera wasn’t bad at all.
Surely you realize that most revolvers are effectively semi-automatic, right?
Magazine size limits don’t make any practical sense - the whole point of having a box magazine is to be able to swap it for another relatively quickly.
Thank you.
IIRC the Caprice has ended/will end production with GM’s ceasing of Holden’s operations.
IIRC the Crown Vic is only very slightly heavier than the Taurus, by a few tens of pounds.
That’s gorgeous!
Good to have some vindication!
Much to my disappointment, no. Maybe one day, when I move to a less dense part of the city and obtain access to a garage though!
I know a few mechanics in one of my city’s fleet garages - I’ll have to ask them how the new stuff stacks up. I know they liked the Vic for being simple, fairly reliable (especially compared to the old W-body Impala) and generally easy to work on.
Given how simple the Crown Vic was due to its lack of significant changes during its model run, and how generally un-cramped the engine bay was, I’d imagine that the newer stuff will have an interesting time trying to compete with it in terms of reliability and maintenance.
I think the main reason many departments shifted away from sedans is due to how cramped Ford’s new Taurus is on the inside. For the size that it is, the interior room is ridiculously limited, the pillars are huge, the doors come up to your shoulders, and you can barely see out of the damn things. A Crown Vic is like…
That is highly dependent upon the jurisdiction they patrol in, no? What might be true for one area will be far from the truth in another.