I’m sure no one has ever needed to quick draw and fire in the history of citizen-involved shootings in the United States. Ever. Or that time is of the essence in these circumstances. Nope.
And if you encounter a life-or-death situation while performing your daily activities and don’t have time to rack the slide (because of the delay in racking the round into the chamber)? Modern safeties and firearm actions have gotten much better over the years - not carrying with one chambered is the nuttier concept…
That sounds about right for all of the panther platform siblings - we truly aren’t likely to see cars like ‘em again, and that’s a shame. Glad to see he’s caring for his Town Car by the sound of it!
Should’ve been pampered for the remainder of its life. A shame then!
The panther platform cars weren’t meant to be quick. Not to mention they’ve had 4.6L v8s since 1992.
Judging by the mileages and conditions of some of the Town Cars running as livery taxis (held together with nothing but duct tape and zip ties by the looks of it) around NYC, I’d be surprised if the one you mentioned doesn’t make it north of 300k miles if it hasn’t already. They’re ridiculously solid cars, that’s for…
That poor Town Car shouldn’t have been reduced to a fate like this. Maybe running people back and forth to the airport as a livery cab, but not like this!
In honor of the Ruiner 2000's inspiration, cue the music!
The Crown Vic was eventually was certified to be safe at up to 70MPH rear-end collisions IIRC. It seemed as if any case that resulted in a fire from a rear-end collision involved the vehicle that slammed into the ‘Vic traveling at a relatively highway-like speed, or that equipment in the trunk was improperly mounted,…
Yeah - I believe they purchased the design after the Vehicle Production Group failed to secure a loan from the federal government, or something along those lines.
Depends upon the area/company running them. I’ve seen maybe two or three cabover school buses in my entire life.
Never knew that. I’ve always had an irrational liking toward the MV-1.
That paintjob kicks ass.
Counter-Argument: The NV commercial van has a column shifter, whereas the others (with the exception of the Express/Savanna) do not.
Double that for New Jersey.
Not when people routinely blow stop signs in your neighborhood.