
Marvel definitely needs more Latinos as well.

I know right? I mean if he isn’t White then he can’t be a Mighty Whitey Saviour us colored folk need to save us.

So you’re cool with the absence of Asian guys? Well that’s not completely true. People kvetching about Swinton as an old Tibetan guy forced them to add in Wong, who was not in the original draft. So Asian people make a big fuss? Feige puts in an Asian guy to shine Dr.Strange’s slippers.

No disrespect bud but that ain’t happening. They’re(Marvel Cinematic) not even giving us the roles we’re supposed to have, those written by Stan and his bullpen, you think they’ll give us those they didn’t? Look they say we can’t be martial artists, sidekicks and tech guys because that’d be stereotypical. But do we

Actually I hear he may be a sidekick to Iron Fist, the Orientalist Avenger.

Really? Because Nobu, the Daredevil’s Asian villain got what? 3 lines in two seasons? C’mon Marvel has now cemented its position: Asian guys? only if we have to. And even then...

Once again, look it up, Amadeus Cho was played by a White actor in The Incredible Hulk movie. In addition, having some young Asian tech lady in your movie binds Marvel no way no how to having an Asian Amadeus Cho down the line. Heck, take out the middle man and just have Mr. Cho in Avengers 2. But then again Whedon