I don’t know, the scene in which Busta Rhymes dog cusses Michael Myers until Michael walks away was pretty funny.
I don’t know, the scene in which Busta Rhymes dog cusses Michael Myers until Michael walks away was pretty funny.
This made me laugh. Well played!
Indeed! Some amazing stuff. All I remember from the version we got was the Chun Li shower scene (I remember it being terrible).
Ahem...fuck Nike! That is all.
How no one didn’t kick the shit out of her when she “fainted” is beyond me. I’ve never seen such an open invitation to kick someone’s ass! Ms. Ukenta is a better person than I. It is so hard to watch this and see literally every human fail her in this interaction: onlookers, the staff and management of the store, mall…
I imagine that’s not really hard to do these days. I couldn’t find one if I tried.
Wait a minute! There’s a city named Batman in Turkey!? How did I not know this!?
No new content for Legends mentioned? Boo! Best free expansion I’ve seen in quite some time.
I played the beta and the combat was fun and interesting; enough to get a few hours of enjoyment out of it. Unfortunately, I could not say the same thing about the rest of my experience. Character animations, particle effects, sounds, and even the UI were oddly terrible. Just try to equip an item in that game! Good…
You can copyright maps!? Assets? Sure! But general layouts!? Then why the Hell isn’t every fan-made map in every map editor for every game taken down? Like someone said above, fan-made provisions should exist in copyright law. That’s absolutely insane.
Apologies, as I didn’t even consider maps as copyrighted material.
My favorite by far is Smash Bros for Wii U. Seconded by the short BotW segment they did for E3, also with Elijah.
Honestly, I don’t see how this violates “their” copyright. Having no experience with the title or map editor, what’s to stop this guy from removing all references GoldenEye and re-uploading?
Exactly, I learned nothing about 2 player Lego Mario Bros from that video... Unless dancing is apart of it...and if that’s the case I’m canceling my pre-order.
Literally the worst thing to ever come out of Detroit!
It’s a pain in the ass. I did it earlier....ugh. But, I did stumble upon this, https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0082-PPSA01903_00-0178847627322413. “ Dubbed the “Final Fantasy VII REMAKE Item Pack”, it includes the following.
I’ve never seen developers actively sabotage their own success like Outriders. I own it and enjoyed the ride but quit when the news broke about the wiping inventory bug. One day I’ll get back to it...maybe.
I get the frustration, but you can get around this paywall pretty handily with a blank NFC tag (around $.50 a piece), Google, and your phone. I did it when BotW amiibos came out b/c they were ridiculously hard to find and I don’t feed scalpers. Worked like a charm.
I always wondered why most of these pools at many of the places I stayed arbitrarily closed at 10pm. Now I know why!
“Apparently if someone with the mark is killed, the mark then transfers to their killer.”