Mr Lurid Reek

Sorry Nicky, Elon is not going to fuck you. Trump might!

Thanks for that! I usually check

I thought the opposite. Yuck!

Launched on October 20, 2023, as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 generated about 2.5 million unit sales upon release. After three months on the market, lifetime unit sales of the game amounted to 10 million, making the action-adventure title one of the best-selling PS5 exclusives ever.


Wow, I had the exact opposite experience once I found out you could avoid card rules changing and spreading. I had a blast with it and wish they had published an official set.

This guy is a looker! Can we plaster that mug on more shit I don’t need?

I mean, yeah, it was annoying. But, I still got to play. And it was awesome! I’ll imagine they’ll iron out the kinks real fast.

I did get in, but the servers were even more slammed. The game is really well done. I’m impressed.

“Servers at capacity.

Yep, it’s solid! Thanks all! This is the reason I keep coming back to Kotaku.

I have friends that are excited for Kraven’s movie. So...there’s that. Personally, I like to think it’s just a bunch of people expertly trolling Sony into wasting money, making a movie out of everything related to Spider-Man.

The Spider-Verse suits do unlock the FX from the movies, which is really neat. But, yeah, I miss some of the sillier abilities.

I’m not my dude. Ordering online. Both for Corporate and personal lunches.

The only sub shop that can get my order wrong on a consistent basis. Tell us their secret!!!

I owned a GC and 4 controllers and did not know this. Thanks John! Ignore the trolls!

That is a fantastic explanation. Thank you!

Take my star!

I’m definitely not knocking the game or people that play it. I’ve gotten my $$$ worth in spades. It’s the one game I want to jump back in, but cannot stomach the grind any longer.

Ha! You answered your own question!

This season nonsense killed it for me. Every season is basically the same damn game loop. Yeah, some of the activities were cool, but I’m still grinding for an artifact that will simply be reset in a few months. The stories between the seasons were hit-and-miss; the last one I cared about was Season of Dawn. And, JC,