Mr Lurid Reek

I don’t get your main criticism. Have you played any of the story-based comic book video games (i.e. non-movie tie-ins)? They each have mostly an original story based on the lore of the characters involved.

I’m guessing you want MCU the game? You lived it for 10 years! How much mileage could you possibly get out of a

That’s a steep price to see Smash Mouth! Who knew they were still a thing? This whole problem would have been avoided if the county officials and Covid-responsible parties had hired Nickelback as the headliner.

I cried b/c I realize the sacrifice he gave to bring us something so great. Not to mention, he’s only 5 years my elder. Truly a great actor, and more importantly, a great man. He will be sorely missed and I probably won’t be able to watch the end of Black Panther and End Game w/o tearing up. He truly brought an

I honestly didn’t know CeeLo was still a thing.... you learn something every day!

Dear Joe Biden~