"Games purchased by readers of Kotaku and other Gawker sites."
"Games purchased by readers of Kotaku and other Gawker sites."
Whoa whoa that's a lot of games! Are they all sequels or something? The naming schemes sound verry confusing.
Hey guys, I just got KH 1.5 remix, so what's included in 2.5? Three more different games...?
Yo guys, the PSN Store has a "Flash deal" of a couple of games tonight, starting with Batman: Arkham Origins costing $29.99 (a steal IMO, just bought it), and COD: Ghosts for $49.99. Get'em while you can!
Fun list here Ms. Aimini! Haven't tried tearaway or ACIV yet, might grab one of them soon
I see your point, but since you're paying for something that's supposed to work, and not broken, you need to make sure you're getting your money's worth right? Otherwise you're just being ripped off with nothing that can be done about it (especially with digital-only titles, where IIRC you can't really return them for…
I think the graphics bit seems rather subjective don't you think? I found Tomb Raider's graphics, even though the style was mostly devoid of any saturated colors, much more superior to TLOU's graphics, especially with the REALLY large environments. That's just IMO though.
This. I love the combat system. I don't know how the developers did it, but I never got the sense the AI was dumb, even on easy/normal mode. They were ALWAYS trying to get you out of cover and all that.
I've always tried to play the earlier Tomb Raider games, but could never get into it. I enjoyed this reboot though, and was really enjoying the whole experience of the game. I've played Uncharted 3, and I'd have to say Tomb Raider is a much better, much different beast compared to the Uncharted games (personally, I…
Played GTA V story mode and beat it last week. Next day get on GTA: Online, I have $0 in the bank and in cash, getting killed constantly. I can't even sign up for a job because it costs money, and only way I'm aware of making money in the game is robbing gas stations in-game, which I can't pull off because other…
This...is dedication!
He's thinking long-term here. I like it and wish him the best of luck!
The whole "get a real job" mentality seems really startling to me. I don't even know what a "real job" means. If you're working for a company, or in the case of these Youtubers, for themselves, producing a product/service, and in return receive compensation in the form of money from the productivity you put in (or in…
FREE Borderlands 2
Yo Shane, don't forget about the Tomb Raider bundle that's $14 bucks which includes a free copy of Quantum Conundrum off the PS3 holiday sale! I got a full game unlock from that bundle, and I'm not sure if it was part of the holiday deal, or it normally came with the bundle, but I'd get it while I can.
Oh dude if you get the tomb raider bundle off the PS store, you also get some Quantum conundrum game for free along with that. GREAT deal!
I got tomb raider bundle for $13. something...Thought that was great deal since Ive seen it for $29 last week. Though I have PSN+ which helps too. Hopefully its a good game!
Yo guys, is there a space sim/ship game like Freelancer with an interesting story/exploration aspect? I'm all for having guild features, different ways of generating money, collecting loot and upgrading weapons, combat and all, but my biggest draw to Freelancer to other space games was the story and exploration of new…
The Powerpuff cosplay seems very Eastern/Asian. It's really nice/unique!