
Funny - when I pointed out that riot shells would most probably kill someone at that range or at the very least put them in intensive care for a month, and certainly wouldn't make them pass out for 6 hours I was told I had too high of a standard for TV show realism.

Say - where'd she go? And why is nobody talking about babies anymore?

"Do you miss it?"
"I don't know… anything?"

If only this show had some actual characters that might be a good argument.

I think the detectives going and doing an eviction (something that would never happen) and being told by the person being evicted that her sister had disappeared and sure there was a police report but those officers hadn't gotten any results so the new detective takes it up and then in a stunning coincidence the

Tell me anything about any of the women on this show that isn't based on who they are screwing or have screwed. Any details at all. Ani is the exception there (she has family), but just barely.

I agree that it's usually PC shorthand and dodges real discussion generally. Here, however, I think it's entirely applicable. As ham-fisted as it is, I find most of the male characters to have at least a little nuance in who and what they are.

Let me clarify, then: none of these characters have any particular depth or interest and are written as broad stroke cliches. In the case of the female characters uniformly, that cliche is their sexuality as it relates to men is their sole defining characteristic. The same can be said to be true of the men I suppose,

You're right that I should have said relating to the main plot, not in total. But the point still stands that none of them are characters of any particular depth or interest. Jordan's "we're both fuck ups and now we've come clean with each other" dialog last episode gets close to her being more than one dimensional,

You're right - I should have said 2 women in the plot-related part of the episode. As far as the point of the season being a critique of patriarchy goes, I think you're reading into it. I don't see any evidence that this is a critique as opposed to an expression of.

So… just like, a lot? None specifically? There's Ray's raped wife, who exists to have been raped and point out that he's an asshole, and Jordan who exists not to be able to get pregnant. Do you know anything else about them? What is it that makes you say they're "pretty awesome" if I were paying attention?

Go on…

Sure, of course the prostitutes are played by women, because duh. It's the lack of any woman who isn't defined by her sexuality in the show that's the problem.

In the first episode, all but 2 of the dozen-or-so women introduced were in their underwear. The other 2 were a crack addict and a useless family law practitioner. The role for all but 2 of the women in this episode was prostitute. The others being a DA who's really only there to imply that there's a story and then

The score for which was written by…. FREAKIN' FRANKLIN VINCI!!!!

I knew he was evil because he had a Texan accent.

It's the unreliable writer that's the real issue. He couldn't take Molly even just once for research purposes?

I do when it comes to those I love most)

Oh the results they'll get.

I can't think of a single Lynch set that was as obvious and token - they're there for a reason in his films/shows. This is just someone screaming, "I CAN GET FREAKY JUST LIKE DAVID LYNCH!!!!" It's out of context in the show and really only serves to let you know that they really, like, GET David Lynch. Like… you know…