
Stamps are used all around the world though, getting them from other countries was one of the things that inspired people to collect in the first place. It’ll be a long time before videogame overtake stamps on a global scale.

If I were going to hack one of my consoles it would be the Wii U, I dream of it having access to every previous Nintendo console’s games. One stop retro machine...

Christopher Lambert vs Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sylvester Stallone! Get Roy Batty in there!

One day it will be possible for normal people to travel to space, and this will all go away. In the meantime, leave them to it. The more they try to prove the flat Earth, the more they will prove a spherical one, maybe they’ll teach themselves

That’s a slightly less horrific take, thank you.

See now what a good company would do would be to admit that they are completely unable to make a version of their own game that runs smoothly online, even though other people have managed to do it and there is a large enough demand for our, and fix that. 

I’ve already seen ads on videos that advertisers wouldn’t want to associate with. An ad for condoms on a video about child abuse... This is going to hurt everyone eventually.

People eat monkeys, so Ducks probably would eat duck. Ah, lets just accept it, anthropomorphic animals are just humans that look like, and in some cases have some behavioural quirks of, animals. They’re just descendants of furries who have taken the ultimate step.

At least that’s 60,000 ignorant votes that didn’t go to Trump.

There needs to be a specific word for real life deja-vu from a virtual environment, I’ve had it multiple times, and it’s really weird. Having unknowingly explored a specific Tuscan village in both one of the Assassin’s Creeds and in real life, the moment of realisation was pretty striking! Why do I know this place?!

They’ve discovered a Chinese mining station full of ravaged corpses, it’s on reddit!

I thought this was a joke, but it’s actually an excellent idea. Scarily good perhaps. I’ll be interested in a year or so to see if anyone thinks it had an effect or set a precedent.

I have a suspicion the Mii fighter Bomberman costume is a red herring and we’ll actually see a Bomberman as a fighter. The last one probably. Or the next one.

I was kind of hoping factions would be based around the type and level of cybernetic implants rather than nationality, like that muscle faction. But I would definitely like to see more glaives in general!

So logically if this case wins, all those tattoo artists who have drawn, for example, Donald Ducks or Autobot logos should get sued by Disney or Hasbro, no?

I need a BIG Terrorsaur. He should have been a mega/voyager toy considering how big he was in the show, he needs a properly scaled figure.

How can you say Rhinox was the best Maximal when everyone knows Dinobot was the best character in the whole G1 continuity, and he was a Maximal? Heresy!

Wait, it has nipples and pecs in there... and toenails/claws. Is that their skeleton? Or is that their real body, and the cuddly exterior that wears the costumes is itself a costume?! Is that bit just their underwear? Nooooo!

As is usual with these sort of things, this probably means they have plans for their own Mario hardcore xxx game.

She looks so Western I reckon they’d get blowback. If you told me she was Welsh I wouldn’t bat an eyelid.