
I’m not going to judge people who seek out and enjoy Minecraft porn. I’m going to eat healthy. I’m going to frequent the gym. #impossiblenewyearsresolutions

I’m not going to get my hopes up until I see a trailer that shows it looking decent, but Legend was fun, and as that’s probably as close to a live action Zelda there’s been so far the bar isn’t set too high. It should at least be as good as that.

Shall we just assume everyone playing was planning on switching over to that “full porn version” when it drops next month anyway? If I were being cynical I’d say that ensuring people switch over was the devs’ plan with this “mistake” in the first place (and I can confirm, I’m currently extremely cynical).

While I agree that Starfield will likely be a lot deeper with respect to most of those (base building is pretty deep at this point, and exploration has inarguably been the main focus of NMS since day 1), I did think it was particularly funny that the things you chose to call out were already present in NMS, even down

Pretty sure NMS has all those things too...

First thing I thought when I saw it in the trailer. It can’t be a coincidence.

No, it was never just videogames, but whenever certain articles come out there are people complaining that it should be just about videogames. These articles usually have a common theme, and the lack of complaining on this one is rather telling... but I suspect this one is of particular interest to them!

Distinct lack of commentors whining about how this isn’t about videogames and how Kotaku is a videogames website and should only provide articles about videogames... 

I’m constantly surprised people can’t be sued for claiming they use real magic or genuine psychic abilities. 

I don’t think I have a problem with people who think like that being swindled out of two grand...

What I don’t understand is why the standard banner still costs as many primos to roll on as the character banners. If those fates were half the price I’d be tempted just to max out the characters and weapons on it...

Zombies have great stamina. 

An energy formula that only supplies 15 calories of energy? It’s obviously a load of shit even before they made it poo flavoured and packaged it with a plastic turdman...

I had no interest in him as a character really, but then I saw he could LITERALLY FLY(!!!!) so I’ll be spending all my saved fates

I doubt it would break anyone’s immersion for the game to just teleport the character to where they were needed for any quest, and I could see them patching it out if it starts really annoying people. I started Nilous’s story quest by accident though, so at least now I know to clear it before getting stuck into the

As little as I personally care about endgame in a single player rpg with a focus on story and exploration above combat, I do appreciate that people would like to have something to do with the characters they’ve levelled up once they’ve finished the current content, and some sort of endless boss rush mode or roguelike

And here’s me getting all excited in the hope that it was going to be like a grown up version of Pixar’s Cars...

Obviously there’s stuff going on for them, but this still acts as fuel for my theory that MiHoYo still don’t know how they’re going to handle the dendro element powers and elemental interactions. Baizhu’s been wandering around with his dendro vison for years now and all we’ve got are three basic dendro enemies and one

They may as well start making their own bootleg coca cola and big macs too. Yum.

I have not been getting the vibe that gamers don’t have a problem with NFTs. In fact, I’ve been getting the exact opposite vibe - that there is no good NFT and blockchain is the devil. People do not seem to agree with Gabe on this.