
I like those huge ass BFG’s they’re holding.

Maeve sucks.

Why do you say that the UFC’s popularity stands to go through the roof? The way I see it, they were more popular 5 years ago and they’re about 1 Conor injury/lawsuit and one Ronda implosion from being totally bereft of PPV $tars. No Lesnar, no GSP, Anderson Silva is greatly diminished, Jones is suspended and a

Hot take riposte: Sansa is a work of fiction, Sophie seems remarkably unpretentious and normal, the Jonas Bros are cute, seem decent, stable, nonjudgmental and clear that they still have a lot of work to do in building their careers. It’s ok if Turner is with a nice guy and not hollywood’s newest rebel.

I’m white (so not a great resource on this), but anecdotally, my sister dated the same guy (black dude) all through my formative years (13 years total) and he really resented the term African american. I was just an idiot kid when he was explaining to me, but the gist was as an earlier commenter said - he had almost

Insert skeptic comment about how FF 15 is a walking simulator and boy bands bla bla bla.

People overreact about the dumbest shit. It’s an army (and apparently I misread army - police - same shit) uniform. Do you want them to be dressed as clowns? Swimsuit models? Basketball Players? Waldo? An army uniform should be about function first, comfort second (not sure about either one of these on these

Cruising around on a bike with Pokemon Go sounds pretty darn dangerous, and not just to you either; crash into some old lady and you may have another person’s death on your conscience.

Actually before the first article released he took to Reddit to say that they are going to misquote him, as he demanded that the only way he would have an interview is if it was published word for word, no redactions, or citations. Word for word what he wrote. He didnt mention it being a bug, he said the game has many

It might be more of an issue if relationships actually have much meaning in the game. They don’t. The only thing about relationships that I ever noticed was the negative status hit when somebody kept endlessly trying to hit on somebody and was rejected. Take that away, and there might as well not even be sexuality or

Yes the fact that rimworlds sexuality system isn’t amazingly realistic is clearly the worst implication in a game about harvesting tribesmen’s livers to sell to space pirates.

Sylvester claims that RimWorld was never intended to simulate real life. It’s a science-fiction game. “My goal is to non-judgmentally simulate, in a simplified way, a flawed group of people in a brutal, backwards environment, tuned for maximum drama. In no way are the characters in RimWorld meant as role models to

It’s a casting call. They’re specific on purpose. The Rockettes will not hire anyone under 5'6". Period. End of discussion. It’s in all their calls. I’m 5'3". I don’t want to waste my time or theirs.

I must be used to reading stuff like that, bc I honestly can’t figure out why such a fuss was created over this one. I get the phrase, “the kind of girl Nick Jonas would find attractive” is off-putting. It’s also not helpful; just list the look you are going for like everyone else does and leave it at that. I think

I dunno, if you asked me who was more important to the movie - Ryan Reynolds or Tim Miller - I’d have to throw my weight behind Ryan. He was in the trenches to get the thing made, he recorded all those commercials, he did the viral marketing, everything. He made sure it was all done with respect to the source

This.... so much this. Thank you for that. You made my day :)

But the supposition is that she should go to jail for it. Do we now only prosecute those people that run for president?

(I realize that they are saying she should go to jail for sending classified information, but have we looked into Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice to see if they did?)

It’s not really victim blaming, per se, he has a point. Most 15 year olds, biologically, are sexual beings, and fairly ignorant, inexperienced, over-excited ones at that. It’s only our social norms that says a 15 year old girl isn’t a woman. Now, don’t get me wrong at all—I’m not disagreeing with those norms—but I

LOL iPhone killer? Does anyone still do iPhone vs Android battle any more? I think Apple users are gonna buy an iPhone no matter what and Android phones are competing with OTHER Android phones.

It took you to the 3rd paragraph to mention Peter Thiel, you’re getting better.